Tips for Becoming a Successful Personal Trainer

By | February 16, 2019

Like many career paths which allow a person to be their own boss, becoming a successful personal trainer is not a simple feat. Not only does it require an expert-level knowledge of the subject matter and certification depending on the location, but personal trainers also have to essentially establish themselves as a small business enterprise. Given the failure rate of most startups, it’s easy to see how the road to success in the personal trainer field is rocky, winding, and long.

With that said, there are a number of ways in which those pursuing a career as personal trainers can increase their chances of success. While outside factors such as the existing saturation level of competing enterprise will always have an unquantifiable role in determining whether an enterprise succeeds or fails, the following are ways to do the best with the variables within your control:

Work Smart

Time is not on your side when you’re self-employed, especially when you’re meeting with clients on their schedule. In order to feasibly manage the volume of clientele necessary for success, personal trainers need to devise an ad hoc approach to work-life balance. Otherwise – in an ironic twist of fate – they wind up sacrificing their own health in an effort to improve the health of clients. The key to achieving this is to work smart whenever possible by using technology and mobile access on-the-go. For example, use medical transcription services for dictating updates to client files while en route to your next appointment. Apply a similar approach to tracking expenses, mileage, and other peripheral aspects of being a personal trainer.

Diversify Marketing

The biggest hurdle for new personal trainers trying to grow clientele is getting their name out there in the first place. In any given metropolitan region, the number of potential clients is certain to be large, but it’s a matter of reaching them. With this in mind, it’s vital for personal trainers to opt for multi-channel marketing techniques. By reaching potential clients via a variety of means, you stand a far better chance of getting more customers. For this reason, heavy investment in marketing is highly recommended for personal trainers trying to get their foot in the door.

Be Reliable

As the saying goes, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” While some of your clients may have a bad habit of canceling at the last minute or being chronically late for their appointments, these are things you should be avoiding at all costs if trying to achieve success as a personal trainer. Simply making it a habit of always showing up, no matter what will go a long way in building your reputation and keeping clients over the long term. Furthermore, an ability to reliably provide detailed and accurate advice and instruction on the spot will help clients to trust you as their personal program moves forward.

Be Personal

A friendly demeanor and clean-cut appearance are the hallmarks of great customer service. Personal trainers who act indifferent and show up to appointments with a disheveled look are bound to have to work harder to hold onto clients. Making an effort to be the best person you can be will work wonders in endearing you to your clients and enriching the organic process of growing your client base.

Be Relatable

Being in great physical shape requires an enormous amount of discipline and a strict approach to lifestyle. Those who seek the help of personal trainers are typically struggling in these departments. This can easily cause a rift to develop from day one, wherein the client sees the trainer as some kind of disciplinarian or drill instructor. Those who wish to become successful in this field will benefit from being as relatable as possible. Something as simple as mentioning your weakness for strawberry ice cream will remind clients you’re human like them. Smiling, providing encouragement, and having a personal interest in client’s lives will also help to be more relatable.

There is no shortage of men and women who wish to make a good living as personal trainers. This makes it difficult to acquire and retain the clientele necessary to justify the pursuit. With that said, there are things you can do to improve the odds of being a successful personal trainer.

like them. Smiling, providing encouragement, and having a personal interest in client’s lives will also help to be more relatable.

There is no shortage of men and women who wish to make a good living as personal trainers. This makes it difficult to acquire and retain the clientele necessary to justify the pursuit. With that said, there are things you can do to improve the odds of being a successful personal trainer.

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