The Relationship Between Healthy Eating And The Digestive System : Eating a balanced diet is fundamental to your health and well-being. By incorporating the right types of foods into your diet, you can maintain a healthy weight, absorb the right nutrients, and function well as a result.
One of the main parts of your body that will thank you for eating healthily is your digestive system. Within this guide, we will take you through the relationship between healthy eating and the digestive system.
What Is The Digestive System?
The digestive system is a huge part of your body that runs from your mouth to your anus. Some of the organs it includes are the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, and liver.
The role of your digestive system is to turn foods into liquids, absorbing the nutrients needed to function properly.
There are many stages to the food processing process. These stages are:
- Ingestion (chewing and swallowing the food)
- Mechanical digestion (breaking down and churning the food)
- Chemical digestion (using enzymes and other liquids to break the food down)
- Absorption (absorbing vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats)
- Removing waste (making and passing stools)
How To Tell If Your Digestive System Is Struggling
More times than not, your digestive system will function so efficiently that you won’t notice it working. However, digestive problems may occur from time to time. According to the NHS, common digestive problems include:
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Stomach ache
- Indigestion and heartburn
These problems usually go away on their own, but if symptoms persist, it may be worth paying attention to the types of food you eat.
Why Is Healthy Eating Important?
Most digestive problems occur as a result of the foods you have eaten. If you do not eat a healthy and balanced diet, your body will not get the nutrients it needs to function normally, nor be able to digest foods to optimal levels.
What Does A Healthy Diet Consist Of?
When it comes to eating a balanced diet, it’s important to focus on the five main food groups:
- Starchy foods (bread, rice, pasta, etc)
- Protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, etc)
- Dairy foods (milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc)
- Fruits and vegetables
- Fats
Choosing a variety of foods from each group will help to give your body the nutrients it needs. Just remember that protein foods, dairy foods, and fats should be taken in moderation. To assist with your healthy eating, here are some top tips:
- Drink around two litres of water per day
- Monitor portion sizes
- Get your vitamins (turmeric supplements are particularly beneficial for contributing to the normal function of the immune system)
- Limit alcohol and caffeine intake
- Avoid processed foods
- Eat five portions of fruit/vegetables every day
The relationship between healthy eating and your digestive system is an important one. Without the right foods, your body cannot absorb the nutrients it needs to function normally. While the occasional treat won’t do you any harm, be sure to monitor your intake and keep an eye out for any digestive issues.
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The Relationship Between Healthy Eating And The Digestive System
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