The Best Diet Plans For You

By | September 19, 2016

These days, the best diet plans are the ones that offer variety and long term teachings of new eating habits. Since everyone has a different metabolism and lifestyle, and no one diet plan can be the ultimate answer for everyone, you must find the diet plan that works the best for you.

People figured out a long time ago that too much food made you fat. But it wasn’t until the emergence of the scientific field of nutrition that it became understood that many variables all interact to influence peoples’ weight and overall well-being. Types of food consumed, blood sugars, hormone levels, metabolic rates, vitamin and mineral availability, and psychological issues now became part of the general dietary commentary.

Doctors usually eschew the idea of fast weight loss. Too-rapid weight loss is considered to be dangerous, and it’s usually useless even if we accomplish it. We are told that anything more than about two pounds a week can be dangerous. The faster it comes off, the faster it returns.

A successful diet provides foods that are palatable, ones we already like, and the appropriate vitamin or mineral supplements to complement those foods. Too much sacrifice isn’t going to change anyone’s eating habits or lifestyle for more than a few days at best. Diet plans of yesterday included meal plans of less than 1200 calories a day, made up of foods we didn’t even like. Skim milk, sugar substitutes, cottage cheese – many people could barely swallow some of these foods. Couple that with a constant feeling of hunger, and it’s no wonder these diets and the followers failed miserably.

Unlike strict diets of a few decades ago that provided about 1200 calories a day that consisted of foods most people didn’t even like (skim milk, fake butter, cottage cheese, etc.) in quantities that kept dieters hungry constantly, these new plans are constructed around foods we like in amounts that still allow weight loss. Dieters can consult so-called glycemic indices for information on foods that strike the proper balance between the “good carbs” and the “bad carbs”. The use of additional nutritional supplements from well-regarded companies like Mother Nature, Botanic Choice, and VitaDigest are also commonly used to fill any vitamin or mineral deficiencies found in either diet meal programs or the meals you cook yourself.

Today, medical science has a better understanding of metabolism, energy needs, and the psychology of weight loss. Some of the most successful diet plans include prepackaged and premeasured foods along with constant supervision by a medical professional or trained counselor. Some plans such as Jenny Craig or Bistro MD provide personal counselors to talk with if you have questions, or are tempted by foods that are totally off limits. Of course, these plans cost money and not everyone can afford to get involved with one for long enough to lose the necessary weight, but there are many alternatives.

Almost all diet plans advocate some sort of exercise program. There are many schools of thought on this, and about what kind of exercise will help. The idea is to speed up the metabolism to use more calories, but many dieters complain that all this extra exercise just increases their appetite. Raising your metabolic rate through exercise, specific vitamin and mineral supplements, or both is generally agreed to be a positive contributor to weight loss.

No matter what plan interests you, just make sure it’s one you can commit to. Remember, it’s really an ongoing lifestyle change you’re trying to make here, not just a short-term commitment that yields little to no longer-term benefits.

Quite frankly, the best diet plans are the plans and products that will work both effectively and safely – for you! To help you decide on the best diet plan for you, click here to examine the best diet-related products and regimens that author Kayte Thompsen looked at while researching this article.

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