‪Easy 3D Modelling Using Sketched

Even Batman can’t win a fight without his utility belt and all his fancy gadgets. Another program, VSDC Video Editor Pro , simply has too outdated an interface, making common tasks difficult. 3d drawing software for pc free download rely upon 3-D models from computer aided design software to tell it where to apply each… Read More »

New Smart Glasses Adapt To Your Eyes

New Smart Glasses Adapt To Your Eyes by StePapa On average, four out of ten people in the western world suffer from some form of vision impairment, like myopia or astigmatism, which are the most common. In the United States alone, 9.6 million people suffer from myopia. In most cases, those eyesight issues havecome as a… Read More »

Global Health: Former Surgeons General Recount Political Pressure on the Job

It made an arresting tableau: four former surgeons general, aged 68 to 85, all in their blue admirals’ uniforms, together on stage like four grizzled Civil War veterans rehashing their biggest battles, and how they were treated afterward by the President and Congress. But this was no re-enactment of Bull Run or Shiloh. It was… Read More »