40% of IVF Treatments Are Unnecessary

Your entire body takes direction from your hormones. Hormones are secreted by your endocrine system and are responsible for telling your organs what to do and when to do it.1 They are essentially chemical messengers that travel throughout your bloodstream, working slowly over time to affect processes like growth and development, metabolism and reproduction. Sometimes,… Read More »

Tired all the time? Look to your gut

Our energy levels are profoundly affected by our gut health. Tired all the time? Look to your gut Independent.ie Our energy levels are profoundly affected by our gut health. https://www.independent.ie/life/health-wellbeing/healthy-eating/tired-all-the-time-look-to-your-gut-38737561.html https://www.independent.ie/incoming/article38737560.ece/20f1a/AUTOCROP/h342/HF%20HEALTHY%20EATING.jpg Email Our energy levels are profoundly affected by our gut health. This can be through a number of mechanisms — we are all familiar… Read More »

Humans co-evolved with immune-related diseases — and it’s still happening

Some of the same mutations allowing humans to fend off deadly infections also make us more prone to certain inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s disease. In a Review published November 27 in the journal Trends in Immunology, researchers describe how ancestral origins impact the likelihood that people of African or Eurasian descent might… Read More »

Omega-3 Fish Oil As Effective As Meds For Some ADHD Kids

According to researchers, attention improved in children with ADHD when given omega-3 fish oil supplements, but only in children with omega-3 blood levels that were low.[1] Previous studies by the researchers discovered that children who are omega-3 deficient are more prone to having severe ADHD. The 12 week randomized controlled trial consisted of 92 ADHD… Read More »