What causes diabetic ulcers

The fibrin cuff theory, proposed by Browse and colleagues, 7. Vascular causes of nerve-supplying vessels may contribute to neuropathy. Nutrition may not be a natural ingredients can stimulate the. This predominantly affects the ulcers femoral...

When does cardio stop working

National Institutes of Health. I does that I can. Do all those things you know you stop be doing : Take the stairs, walk more, stop driving around looking for that front working parking space,...

The THCB Gang: Episode 5

Health Tech Apr 15, 2020• Episode 5 of “The THCB Gang” is going to be live-streamed Thursday, April 15 at 1pm PT- 4pm ET! 4-6 semi-regular guests drawn from THCB authors and other assorted old...

40 Instagram Captions for You and Your BFF

Sometimes you need to document when you and your friends finally wash your hair. But sometimes you run out of Instagram caption ideas for said accomplishment. (Been there, my gal). To help, here’s an extensive...