Twitter drags Meghan McCain for saying Biden should fire Dr. Fauci

Loading the player… Meghan McCain is no stranger to causing an uproar for making unpopular statements, and her latest comments about Dr. Anthony Fauci has once again made her a trending topic. During Monday’s episode of The View, McCain had strong words for the nation’s top infectious disease expert, who serves as director of the National… Read More »

Eli Lilly CEO’s pay grows—again—to $23.7M after COVID antibody launch, new approvals

The COVID-19 pandemic derailed plans for companies worldwide last year, but Eli Lilly adapted by developing medicines against the novel coronavirus—to the tune of $ 871 million in antibody revenue for Q4—while still pushing sales of its newer meds. Now, CEO David Ricks is reaping the rewards with a pay package that could place him… Read More »

India’s Covid vaccine maker told to meet domestic demand first, urges ‘rest of the world’ to be patient

An AstraZeneca vaccine production line. Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty Images The world’s largest vaccine maker by volume, Serum Institute of India, has been told to meet domestic demand for Covid-19 shots first — before distributing them overseas. The move implies that foreign governments could face order delays from the company as it places India’s… Read More »