Failure Leads to Success

by PeterThoeny At first glance, would you be able to tell the real gold from a fake one? Just like majority of people, you probably won’t be able to tell since both have the same look, unless you have prior knowledge that one is real. The same thing can be said of failure.… Read More »

Weight Loss Stupidity

by Fotografik33 – It’s Insanity Why is it that weight loss inspires ordinary, intelligent people to do such completely stupid things? Why? – I’ll tell you why, because when it comes to vanity – Good sense and reason take over and get replaced with crazy, insane and illogical attempts to claw one’s youth back,… Read More »

Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem

Clinical practice related to sleep problems and sleep disorders has been expanding rapidly in the last few years, but scientific research is not keeping pace. Sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless legs syndrome are three examples of very common disorders for which we have little biological information. This new book cuts across a variety of medical… Read More »