Music and health: 7 ways music therapy could make you healthy

By | December 12, 2018

Research has revealed that music can heal both your mental and physical health: it enhances your blood flow and relaxes your brain cells. It is surprising to know how we are born with the natural instinct to bifurcate between clatter and music.

While it is not yet clear how music affects our body’s mechanism, but on listening to music, our brain releases the chemical, dopamine that acts as a neurotransmitter between it and the nerve cells. This chemical is actually responsible for our mood upliftment, maintaining blood pressure, etc. Thus, music acts as a catalyst that positively affects our mind and body.

Some of the ways in which music therapy could make you healthy:

1. Music reduces stress and anxiety

young-woman-enjoying-music-on-the-beachMild tempo music without much clutter of lyrics or brassy instruments is very soothing and help people to deal with painful situations in life.

It deals with some of the stress creators and reduces the cortisol level and relaxes the heartbeat. Studies have proven that listening to music is more effective than taking oral painkillers. It also helps in speedy recovery of patients post medical surgeries.

Practicing music is as operative as listening to it. Singing in choirs, or tapping your feet, or mild movement of the body while singing synchronizes the body with the rhythm of the music and spreads a calming effect in the entire group.

Parents can use music to calm down infants and seniors can use it to motivate themselves.

2. Playing musical instruments sharpen your concentration

male-fiddler-playing-classical-music-on-violinLearning a new technique requires patience and concentration, and musical instrument is no exception. Regular music classes from early childhood days can help a person to be more focused as a grown up. It not only develops the urge of performing but also sharpens the mind. Studies have revealed that kids who have introduced to some musical instrument are more successful in their lives than those who have not been.

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Moreover, learning to play a musical instrument helps you to divert your mind from the daily stress of life. By concentrating on something productive, you actually involve your brain more productively than you could have done otherwise. It also plays a major role in soothing you and stops you from having undesirable and distractive thoughts. After any music class, you will feel more refreshed and more focused to face the challenges of life.

It is never too late to start, so even if you have not been introduced to music in your childhood day, you can always start now and see the magic for yourself!

3. Musical training strengthens the brain’s executive function

music-teacher-with-the-pupil-at-lesson-pianoThrough research done by the students of the University of Montreal, it has been revealed that musician’s brain cells are more alert as compared to a non-musicians.

Learning some kind of music or musical instrument plays a vital role in the structuring of the brain cells and the functioning of the same. If started at an early age, it helps in improving memory power.

We all know the impact of memory games, brain games, and other educational toys; they are a good source of sharpening our thinking ability, emotional quotients and prepare us to be more successful. Music and specifically learning to play musical instruments is more effective than these games and have a more enhanced impact on our mind.

Music integrates data from the different senses which has a long-lasting benefit in our brain and can be beneficial in the corporate and business world also.

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4. Music may improve immune functioning

sporty-female-runner-listening-musicStudies have revealed that listening to inspiring music for approximately an hour everyday helps in increasing the level of antibodies in the body. Music plays a vital role in fighting with stress and relaxes the human brain, this, in turn, strengthens the immunity system. Stress hormones play a negative role in the overall functioning of the body, and when this calmed, the entire body functions more efficiently.

It has also been deduced that not just listening to music, but singing, dancing or playing a musical instrument has an equally positive impact on the immune system of the human body.

5. Music helps us exercise

athletic-black-man-listening-to-musicThe best way to start your day is with exercise accompanied by good music. Some people also opt for this at the end of their day to release the entire day’s stress. Music and exercise both refresh your mind and body and when these two complements each other, the benefit is also doubled.

When you listen to music, your mind is diverted, and you do not feel the pressure of the rigorous workouts. Thus, by diverting your mind, you can engage your body into more effectual sessions.
It also lifts our mood and gives us the zeal to be more persuasive. Moreover, while listening to fast-paced music, your mind and body fall into harmony with the beats and thus easing your exercise sessions.

6. Promoting social interaction

two-young-women-travelers-with-backpacks-and-mapAnother benefit of music that has been observed in recent times is that it helps in creating better bonds between human beings. When you share a musical experience either through attending any concert or by playing in the same group, your minds synchronize into the same tune and it develops a sense of belongingness and empathy.

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Kids being introduced to music or participating in musical programs from an early age are more sensitive and develop social interaction skills much better than those participating in non-musical programs.

7. Improves sleep quality

beach-summer-holiday-vacation-travelingMusic is both enjoyable and soothing and has a direct impact on your parasympathetic system, which is responsible for your rest and digestion. These nerves play a vital role in relaxing your body and preparing you for sleep.

Research has been conducted between sets of people, where one group has been aided with 45 minutes of relaxing music before bedtime, and the other has gone to bed directly after completing their day’s schedule. The first group has members have fallen asleep faster, woken up less during the night, and have reported having better sleep quality than the other group.

Music calms you down and thus doctor advice people suffering from insomnia to inculcate the habit of listening to music before bedtime.

Music is best expressed by Plato, who has once said, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” Enjoy listening to music!

Curtis DeanAuthor Bio:

Curtis Dean writes on behalf of Sage Music School where they base lessons on the science and research of the psychology of learning. Their effective teaching methods create confident and capable students who enjoy the happiness of making music.

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