Low sodium diet bad for health

By | August 27, 2020

low sodium diet bad for health

Sodium is a mineral found naturally in foods and also added to foods. Sodium plays an important role in maintaining normal fluid balance in the body. A low-sodium diet is important to follow in order to control your heart failure symptoms and prevent future heart problems. Learn to read food labels. Use the label information on food packages to help you make the best low-sodium selections. Food labels are standardized by the U. Nutrition labels and an ingredient list are required on most foods, so you can make the best selection for a healthy lifestyle. Review the food label below. Determine the total amount of sodium in this product, or ask your dietitian or healthcare provider to show you how to read food labels and apply the information to your personal needs.

But a counter-argument is gaining ground, casting doubt on decades of research and shedding light on the questions that still remain unanswered about our favourite seasoning. But most populations have historically eaten more salt than advised, and health officials around the world have had their work cut out for them convincing us to cut down. Guidelines recommend adults have no more than 6g of salt per day. But only a quarter of our daily intake comes from salt we add into food ourselves — the rest is hidden in the food we buy, including bread, sauces, soups and some cereals. Salt is made up of both sodium and chloride ions. Research has found that too much salt causes high blood pressure, which can lead to strokes and heart disease, and experts broadly agree that the evidence against salt is compelling. Our bodies retain water when we eat salt, increasing blood pressure until our kidneys flush it out.

For low sodium health bad diet

DOI: The American journal of menu. Among 69, people without hypertension. The risk factor includes. Recommended Amounts The U. Restaurant Dining Tips Choose a restaurant that will prepare items. The Nutrition Source expand child.