How To Give Your Fast Diet A Great Start!

By | October 1, 2016

The time’s right, your mind is ready to go and you’re all set to start your fast diet…

Now the important thing is to make the best start you can so you stay motivated to keep it going.

So, how to give your diet the best start? The good news is that it’s really not difficult do do. Some simple tips can make your weight loss very successful…

– First, avoid drinking fizzy drinks, even the low calorie ones. Why? Well, all they do is cause you to bloat up, creating a big belly in the process. Obvious really! All that gas you’re ‘drinking’ has to go somewhere! So, achieve a pretty quick result just by ditching the bubbles… What do you drink instead?

Drink more water instead of the bubbles and this will flush out toxins, making you look and feel better. It’s recommended that you drink 6 to 8 glasses each day. Drinking water will also encourage you to eat less as it makes you feel fuller. Hot drinks could included herbal or fruit teas.

Up your levels of high fibre foods, including whole grains and fruit and vegetables, to lose weight more quickly. These foods make you feel fuller but aren’t laden with calories. Be a little careful with the amount of fruit you eat due to the sugar levels.

– Thirdly, increase your amount of vegetables you eat. It would be difficult to over eat vegetables. They’re all great for your health whatever the colour. Vegetables do your body good inside and out. Cooked (especially steamed) or raw – you can’t beat the benefits of the veg! Veggie snacks are far better than anything sweet – even fruit.

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Don’t be a martyr to your diet. Treat yourself to a biscuit now and then but try and find low sugar and low fat versions in the shops – or make your own then you know what’s in them! You won’t succeed if you deprive yourself of all food pleasures.

Next, be careful that you don’t overdo snacks while you’re watching TV. This is habitual eating – usually totally unnecessary and done without thinking. It’s guaranteed that you’ll pile on the pounds without realising it! You just won’t realise how much you’re eating – you’re hardly conscious of how much food is passing your lips… Try to do something else while you’re watching TV, such as knitting, word puzzles or computer work. This will make you think about something else during the evening. Ask yourself how often a programme absorbs you enough to stop you concentrating more on what may be available in the fridge? Counteract this by giving yourself something else to do!

You’ll lose more weight if your activity levels increase and increase your heart rate. Your muscles will be pushed into action and your body will lose more weight. Start at a gentle pace – you don’t have to over do it! Use the stairs more, walk to the shop rather than drive or walk along to the next stop to catch the bus… It all helps.

Increasing your exercise levels to about 30 minutes daily will make you feel better and look better. People who exercise regularly report the positive benefits and want to keep doing more. Your body and mind will benefit from doing more exercise. Not only will your heart and muscles improve, your levels of stress will reduce.

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Increase your body’s metabolic rate by doing some resistance exercises. Quick results can be achieved which is great motivation to keep going – you’ll look and feel better. An easy way to create resistance is to use ankle weights while you’re walking. Plus, a big bonus with resistance exercise is that your muscles keep on working and using energy after you’ve finished your exercise. A great result! You’re finished and having a cup of tea and your muscles are still working away!

All dieters need ongoing help with their weight loss endeavours. Help is available by a visit to fast diet centre where you can access advice, information and up to date scientific research to help your success.

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