Hand Massage: Ease Muscle Spasms Faster

By | November 20, 2017

Our hands. When are we not using them? Perhaps when we sleep. We clean, scrub twist, grab. We type on computers, buckle child car seats.. The list goes on! We can use lotion to care for our skin, but what about muscle or joint strain? What about the pain of overuse? Hand massage may be what we’ve been unknowingly seeking, not only to relieve hand pains and aches, but also to help a long list of problems.

If you are new to massage, here’s something you should know. It is not a great new cure, no, this art has been practiced throughout the world. Chinese records dating back 3,000 years document its use; the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments; and even Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. So, how is this cure practiced? Well, there are a variety of methods, over 250 to be precise. Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue. Hand massage is done to restore function and alleviate pain in your hands. It is also done to relieve a plethora of symptoms such as headache, stuffy nose, stomach problems to name just a few.

The art of massage became popular in the US in the 1800s. It had a surge of popularity until the 1930s. When modern medicine came to the forefront, the art of massage therapy became discounted as lesser than. Suddenly, it became popular again in the 1960s and 1970s when nurses began to use it to relieve pain in patients. It again gained credibility when, in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta it was deemed a core medical service.
When studying different languages, one can’t deny how exciting it is to discover that many cultures have the same word and customs of massage. The word comes from the Latin word frictio”, as well as from the French word meaning friction or kneading”, and the Arabic word massa” meaning to touch, feel or handle.

When having a hand massage, we must realize that there are a variety of specific pressure points that relate directly to different parts of the body. Every part of the hand has pressure points, including the back, fingers and the palm. Each pressure point is numbered. A weak bladder can be relieved by rubbing on point #31.The middle finger tip, when rubbed on the side will relieve fatigue. When looking for constipation relief, look no further than pressure point #22 and twist. Dizzy? Try having point#33 rubbed. Your local spa technician will be able to perform a hand massage for you, and also give you a map of the hand with the ailments and pressure points numbered. Go ahead, try it out. Find your ailment, then look no further than your local spa.

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