General Anxiety Disorder Symptoms (GAD)

By | December 21, 2017

Do you worry excessively? Have you been worrying excessively for over six months? If you answer yes to these questions you may be suffering from general anxiety disorder. In this article we will discuss the condition itself and reveal the common symptoms associated with general anxiety disorder/generalized anxiety disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is best described as an excessive number unmanageable worries that just won’t go away and have endured for a minimum of six months. The trigger or triggers that cause the anxiety are wide ranging and broad in scope, which is why the problem is referred to as “generalized.”

The thoughts that perpetuate the worry aren’t usually life threatening. If you were in physical danger, your emotional and physical reactions would be more precisely described as fear. Fear and anxiety are related emotions, but anxiety more accurately describes a situation where the cause of concern isn’t imminent. Every one of us struggles with normal anxiety from time to time, such as worrying about an exam or work project. However a person with GAD worries excessively almost every day and, typically, the worrisome concerns jump from one cause of discontent to the next, making them uncontrollable, time consuming, and very distracting. By and large GAD is an intolerable and painful disorder.

General anxiety disorder symptoms that must be present to make a diagnosis are worry or anxiety in three or more of the following areas:


*Easily fatigued

*Difficulty concentrating


*Muscle tension

*Disturbed sleep

Other symptoms of general anxiety disorder not required for a diagnosis: memory impairment, decreased attention span, compromised decision making skills, loss of self confidence, heart palpitations, sweating, headaches, and nausea.

Sometimes individuals with the above symptoms fail to recognize their condition as a treatable disorder. Instead they accept their condition and assume that it is normal to feel on edge all the time. But the constant pressure that comes with long term anxiety can lead to other problematic conditions such as alcohol and drugs abuse. Doctors often report that it was a combination of GAD along with alcohol or drug abuse that finally compelled their patient to seek help.

What Next?

If you have general anxiety disorder symptoms consider seeking help. Your treatment options will include prescription medication, behavioral therapy, and alternative remedies. Many people with GAD have found success by combining cognitive behavioral therapy with herbal anxiety remedies. Herbal anxiety remedies containing ingredient such as St. John’s wort and Passionflower have proven to be an effective way to support emotional wellness and lessen common feelings of the blues.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase