Fast Food Ways To Lose Your Double Chin Posted By : Rick Bungay

By | October 10, 2018

With the busy lifestyles that we lead today it’s hard to remember to pack a lunch that is both nutritious and low in fat. It looks like there is going to be some help on the way. Losing your double chin and maintaining a healthy weight is a struggle everyday, but now that fast food restaurants are starting to realize that obesity is a major problem, and if they want to stay in business, they have to address it. What you have to remember is to flip those tray liners over and look at the calorie counts. Six new tasty ones have just recently been “discovered”, so now at least you do have some options when it comes to having to eating my way out, whether it’s lunch or supper because of late work.

Let’s take a look at some of these and how they stack up. Wendy’s Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich, 340 calories, 7 g of fat. The piece of lean chicken provides 29 g of protein plus 20% of your daily iron requirement. Next on the list, KFC honey barbecue sandwich, 310 calories, 3 g of fat. The honey barbecue gives the chicken tangy, sweet side, and it’s amazingly low in fat. Our next pick, Subway Roast Beef Sub, 330 calories, 4.5 g of fat. This is a very good low-fat sandwich that you can make it better by loading up the veggies staying away from that mayo. Okay, we are going to carry on how with her next selection, Taco Bell Grilled Steak Soft Tacos, 320 calories (two tacos) 4.5 g of fat. Soft lower tacos are lower fat than hard shell ,skip the extra cheese and sour cream and you be good to go. Two more to go, McDonald’s egg Mc muffin, 300 calories, 12 g of fat. With only 5 g of saturated fat, and protein is a good way to get your morning going. The last one on the list, Pizza Hut Two Slice Pepperoni, Thin ‘ N Crispy Pizza, 400 calories (two slices ), 18 g of fat. Note it has to be the thin and crispy crust, which allows room for the pepperoni.

With these healthy choices available to you, losing your double chin, along with a good exercise program will become a reality in very short amount of time. You have to realize that it won’t happen overnight, and fast food be eaten in moderation. A diet and exercise program that has a diet generator, as well as a meal plan is the way to go. Check out my website for further information and a list of the top five best diet programs available today. Health And Fitness | Obesity