Does Black Coffee Burn Belly Fat? How Caffeine Can Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos

By | March 5, 2019
Does Black Coffee Burn Belly Fat? How Caffeine Can Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos

Does drinking black coffee aids in burning your belly fat? (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

Sipping coffee during office hours or while watching movies or on a date with your girlfriend or boyfriend is fun for sure. But did you know that there are some awesome benefits to this? Caffeine intake can help you lose all that jiggly flab from your body. However, we are talking specifically about black coffee not the cream-and-sugar loaded cup of Joe. Drinking one small cup of black coffee twice every day can aid belly fat loss in your body. Now we will see ways by which we can use caffeine to shed those unsightly flab. 5 Worst Myths Related to Weight Loss: Dieting Mistakes Which Might Sabotage Your Fitness Goals.

First of all, caffeine is the most commonly used psychoactive substance in the world. It is also included in most fat burning supplements nowadays. It is one of the few elements that help mobilise fats from your fatty tissues and increase metabolism. Apart from caffeine, coffee also includes components which help in increasing metabolism like theobromine, theophylline and chlorogenic acid.

How does coffee help in reducing overall body fat?

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which sends direct signals to the fat cells, telling them to break down fat. It does this by increasing blood levels of the hormone epinephrine. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, travels through your blood to the fat tissues, signalling them to break down fats and release them into your blood.

However, it is important to note that releasing fatty acids into your blood does not help you lose fat unless you are burning more calories than you consume through your diet. This condition is known as a negative energy balance. You can reach a negative energy balance by either eating less or exercising more. Therefore, there are no easy shortcuts; one has to move their body a bit to get a fit healthier body.

When and how should coffee be taken to make it a useful tool for belly fat loss?

The best part about this fat burning remedy is that it is readily available everywhere right from small sachets to big jars. You could buy a small two rupee sachet of any brand coffee powder, use that one single sachet in entire one day.

You should use half the sachet before starting with any physical activity in the morning. Ideally, if you are on fat loss, then you should be doing light exercises like brisk walking, jogging or cycling in the morning. Pour half the sachet of little 2.2 gm coffee powder into one small cup of hot water, drink it immediately and then start your workout.

It will not only aid in weight loss but will also improve your exercising performance by 11-12 %. Caffeine works by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine. By blocking adenosine, caffeine increases the firing of neurons and the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. This, in turn, makes you feel more energised and awake. In this way, coffee helps you stay active when you would otherwise feel tired.

The other half of the sachet you can use in the evening. Please ensure that you don’t use more than one sachet in a day or else you will get addicted to caffeine. Over excess intake of coffee can cause you problems like constipation. Now I hope, you can think of adding black coffee in your daily routine for weight loss. But, remember this caffeine will only be useful if you work out a bit and also take care of your overall calorie intake by other foods.

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