Curing Herpes: Prevention is Still the Best Cure

By | August 8, 2017

With the ever-advancing knowledge in science, people today are positive about the development in curing herpes. Curing herpes would significantly transform the lives of about 50 million Americans with this infection. Genital herpes, commonly known as herpes is an infection due to the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Although scientists have yet found the method for curing herpes, there are treatments available to prevent outbreaks. There are natural treatments that help sufferers by managing symptoms until a cure is found. Hydration is perhaps the most natural treatment for herpes.

Doctors also recommend oral medications when curing herpes. Oral medications like Zovirax, Famvir, and Valtrex are used to stop the spread of the virus. These oral treatments also help by reducing the length of the outbreak of herpes.

Famvir is taken thrice everyday when it is used as a periodic therapy for the onset of episode of genital herpes, or twice everyday in curing herpes outbreaks that keep on coming back. Famvir also helps by lessening the duration of herpes outbreak and reducing pain severity. Vomiting, headache, tiredness, nausea, and diarrhea are just some of the side effects.

When used in episodic therapy, Valtrex can lessen pain and heal sores much quicker. Curing herpes this way also helps by preventing or delaying persistent herpes outbreaks when used as suppressive treatments. Expect side effects such as dizziness, stomach pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, headache, nausea, and weakness.

When used in episodic treatment, Zovirax can also reduce the severity of herpes outbreaks and cut their duration short. When taken daily as a suppressive this way of curing herpes can delay or prevent recurrent outbreaks. Side effects include diarrhea, headache, vomiting, or nausea, which may disappear during treatment.

You have to follow some simple guidelines to make the healing faster and to prevent the HSV from multiplying to other body parts and transmitting them to other people. One step towards curing herpes is by making sure that the infected surface is always clean and dry. You also have to refrain from touching the sores in order to avoid additional infections.

You also have to wash your hands after making contacts with the sores and always practice safe sex. Curing herpes is not far away, given the advances in modern science. But the best way of curing herpes is still prevention.

Author Sandra Griggs offers a free guide on her website that exposes the truth about herpes in women and also about curing herpes. Don’t just rely on herpes pictures to decide whether you have herpes simplex or not. Find out the shocking details at