Coaching & Training Women Academy Spotlight: Sharon Jackson

By | February 4, 2019

Name: Sharon Jackson
Age: 48
Location: Fort Worth, TX

What was your first thought when you learned about the Coaching & Training Women Academy and the Pre- & Postnatal Coaching Certification?
My first thought was that this would be a good certification to get because I work with so many expecting moms!

What do you do? 
I am a certified personal trainer. I coach all-women group fitness workouts. I also do private and semi-private training as well.

What else do you do?
I like to read or go to the movies. I love running and hanging out with my girlfriends.

Best compliment you’ve received lately:
That I am a great motivator and teacher.

Most recent compliment you gave someone else:
I told one of the ladies in my building that she looked great and that her consistency is paying off!

Favorite way to treat yourself: 
I love to travel so I treat myself by spending money to visit places I have never visited.

Favorite quote:  
I have so many because I love to read motivating quotes, but I guess one that I really like is:

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” — Jim Rohn

Three words that best describe you: 
Passionate. Loving. Emotional.

Favorite book:
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz.

What inspires and motivates you?  
Seeing other people being successful and how they gain so much confidence in knowing that they are so much stronger than they could imagine.

Describe a typical day in your life, from waking up to bedtime:
My alarm clock goes off at 4:15am, then it’s the morning routine, training clients most of the day, then come home to study something that will make me better at my craft, and spend time with my husband. We are empty nesters so we have finally learned how important it is to focus on our marriage.

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What event(s) or situation(s) in your life lead you to enroll in the CPPC?
I knew Molly from attending one of the GGS events, so I knew this would be very helpful for my business. I knew this would prepare me for women coming in to my fitness groups who were already pregnant or those who had just had babies.

How would you describe your pre- and postnatal knowledge before taking CPPC?
I knew a little, only because I have 12 years of experience working in physical therapy. We always had a few moms coming in.

Why do you think learning the information that’s included in the CPPC is so important to your profession?
I think it is very important because as professionals we want to be sure that they are getting the best care possible from the first to last trimester!

What’s been the best part about going through the CPPC?
So many moms have problems with the diastasis recti, so I was very excited to learn how to help moms with this.

Now that you’re an official Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach, what impact are you hoping to have?

I am hoping that I can help as many moms as possible understand how exercise is still safe when the trainer has the knowledge to take them through a safe program.

What effect has your new Certification had on your work so far?
It has made me more confident working with women.

How has your thinking about pre- and postnatal care changed since completing the CPPC?
Its changed a lot. I have learned so many great things that will help me be a better coach when it comes to training the pre- and postnatal client.

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What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about enrolling?
I would say to them not to think twice because this is a thorough certification. I love that it covers every aspect from the start of pregnancy till the end.

You can find out more about Sharon on her website, and connect with her through Facebook and Instagram.

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