Category Archives: News

Insomnia a Herbal Remedy

Free Website Content » Health » Alternative Medicine Articles A herbal remedy for insomnia is probably the most popular herbal remedy reccomended in the western hemisphere today. With anything from 10 to 20 percent of the American adult population claiming to suffer from insomnia at any one time the search for relief is on. Notice… Read More »

Breastfeeding Special Babies In Special Circumstances – Article Two Posted By : Sally Michener

Breastfeeding is even more important for babies with special needs and their parents. Breastfeeding gives you a higher level of maternal hormones, which increase your intuition and perseverance to meet the needs of your special baby. Because of its physical, psychological, and medical benefits, breastfeeding is even more important for these babies. A baby has… Read More »

Drip bar: Should you get an IV on demand?

For many people receiving care in a hospital or emergency room, one of the most common occurrences (and biggest fears) is getting an IV, the intravenous catheter that allows fluids and medications to flow into a vein in your arm or hand. A trained health professional puts in an IV by sticking a needle that’s… Read More »