AVINOL PM: The deep sleep solution.
Achieving better sleep is possible & you can do it without a prescription. What’s the difference?
► Standard synthetic sleeping pills & sedatives leave you feeling groggy & clouded the next day. ► Sedatives often come with the risk of addiction, or other serious side effects. ► Avinol PM is fast-acting & non-habit forming. ► Not only does Avinol PM help you get to sleep faster, it also promotes deep, uninterrupted sleep that will last through the night.
Perfect for frequent travelers, new parents, college students or anyone struggling to get a full and regular night of peaceful sleep! Avinol PM has everything you need to get relief from sleep deprivation.
Avinol PM features an effective blend of tried & true ingredients:
ANCIENT HERBS : Our blend of herbal extracts has been used for centuries to reduce anxiety & promote a sense of calmness, making the process of falling asleep effortless & smooth.
5-HTP : this extract from griffonia seed can also be derived from tryptophan, the amino acid in turkey known to cause sleepiness. As a precursor to serotonin, it plays a very important role in regulating mood & sleep cycle.
MELATONIN : With over 20 years of research behind it, Melatonin is one of the most rigorously studied sleep supplements available. It’s known to regulate your body’s natural sleep cycle, to help you fall asleep quickly & wake up refreshed.
Avinol PM will give you the energy you need to pop out of bed feeling bright & rested. It’s time you finally got a good night’s sleep. Try Avinol PM& see how you can improve your quality of life.
- FALL ASLEEP QUICKLY : These herbal tablets use our fast acting quick dissolve formula and waste no time easing you into deep sleep
- STAY SLEEPING ALL NIGHT : Our extra strength formula calms the mind & alleviates restlessness while regulating your body’s natural sleep cycle
- FEEL REFRESHED & ENERGIZED : Powerful ingredients like melatonin, 5-HTP & chamomile balance your body’s chemistry so you can get the most out of your night’s sleep
- BETTER MOOD – MORE ENERGY – IMPROVED PERFORMANCE : Great for those with insomnia , chronic fatigue , jet lag , shift work , young children , stress , irregular schedules or other disruptions to the sleep cycle
- SAFE & NON HABIT FORMING : an effective natural alternative to prescription & pharmaceutical drugs