Best alcohol for low carb diet

By | July 26, 2020

best alcohol for low carb diet

Updated Jun 20th, — Written by Craig Clarke. Medical review by Dr. Frank Aieta, ND. Cutting out all the beer and wine is a great start, but sticking with hard liquor is usually the best choice. Even though hard liquor is made from natural sugars, grains, potatoes, and fruits — during the fermentation and distillation process that sugar is converted into ethyl alcohol.

Shockingly, there are plenty of low carb alcohol options to enjoy while sticking to a low carb meal plan! So no matter what your poison is, this guide to low carb alcohol has got you covered! So stick with the options below for the best low carb alcohol choices Champagne is also another great low carb alcohol choice — A 5 oz glass has got about calories and 2 carbs. When in doubt, stick to the low carb beers listed above. Liquor lovers, rejoice! Straight liquor typically has no carbs, or a nominal amount. But as a general reference. Now back to liquor.

On the rocks, neat, with a diet soda or seltzer: 0 grams of carbs per shot. The short version: wine is much lower in carbs than beer, so most people on keto choose wine. If you are on a very strict low-carb or keto diet, consuming under 20 grams of carbs a day, a glass of wine on occasion is also fine. Note that sweet brands of wine or sparkling wine may contain more carbs, while other types may contain a bit less. There are also studies that link red wine to the reduced risk of dementia, depression, and type 2 diabetes in women. A few types of dessert wines are Sherry and Muscat… typical serving size for these is 3. If you make sure to choose dry wines and spirits as well as sugar-free mixers, you can still enjoy low carb and keto-friendly variations of your favorite drinks, like a rum and diet coke or a Moscow Mule made with diet ginger beer.

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