Be Familiar With The Hazard Of Taking Muscle Relaxants

By | May 4, 2017

Clonazepam is a brain and body relaxant frequently prescribed for the treatment of convulsions, panic attacks, seizures and epilepsies. It works by boosting the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in our brain to decrease activities of the nerve cells, to induce relaxation and to minimize nerve excitement. Moreover, this drug is known in different names such as sedatives, tranquilizers and central nervous system depressants.

Clonazepam belongs to benzodiazepine family and sold in different brands worldwide. It acts on GABA because it is the neurotransmitter of the brain that is responsible for the communication between nerve cells. Research shows that excessive brain activities result to anxiety and psychiatric disorders.

Majority of individuals who used clonazepam experienced no adverse reactions but there are some who experienced adverse reactions as well. Since this drug is used recreationally due to its sedative qualities, it usually leads to drug addiction.

Figures from the National Institute on Drug Abuse show that 80% of junkies used clonazepam along with other medicines of their choice, while fifteen percent of heroin addicts and 90% of methadone users take clonazepam. Meanwhile, alcoholics are known to misuse clonazepam to curb hangovers and to manage intoxication effects.

Why do issues associated with morphine addiction or clonazepam exist? Well, majority of junkies favor this medication because it boosts the effects of other drugs.

Apart from clonazepam dependency, some individuals experienced negative effects like drowsiness, memory loss, hostility, agitation, hair loss, hysteria, palpitations, nightmares, vivid dreams, loss of libido, vertigo, impaired balance, hallucinations, anterograde amnesia, headaches, mood swings and much more.

It is not advisable for expectant and breastfeeding women to take clonazepam because the benzodiazepines content of this medication can result to fetal damage and genetic malformations when used during the first trimester of pregnancy. Benzodiazepine is also released in the breast milk of breast feeding mothers, thereby harming infants. Older people shouldn’t take this drug because can cause accidental injuries and mishaps.

Why do issues related to drug addiction or clonazepam exist? Well, majority of junkies favor this drug because it boosts the effects of other medications.

Apart from clonazepam dependency, some individuals experienced side effects like drowsiness, memory loss, aggression, agitation, hair loss, hysteria, palpitations, nightmares, vivid dreams, decrease in libido, dizziness, impaired balance, hallucinations, anterograde amnesia, headaches, mood swings and much more.

It isn’t recommended for pregnant and nursing women to take clonazepam because the benzodiazepines content of this drug can result to fetal damage and congenital malformations when taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. Benzodiazepine is also released in the breast milk of lactating mothers, thereby harming babies. Older people shouldn’t take this drug because can cause accidental injuries and mishaps.

Want to find out more details about clonazepam abuse? Kindly go to essential facts about