Author Archives: Health

Scientists propose a 50 days on, 30 days off coronavirus lockdown strategy

A pedestrian walks past closed-down shops on an empty Regent Street in London on April 2, 2020, as life in Britain continues during the nationwide lockdown to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Tolga Akmen Fifty days of strict lockdowns followed by 30 days where measures are eased could be an effective strategy for reducing Covid-19 deaths… Read More »

Same-sex sexual behavior in animals: Do we have it all wrong?

Many animals, from a range of phyla and species, display same-sex sexual behaviors. This has intrigued evolutionary biologists, but have they been looking at the subject all wrong? Share on PinterestResearchers suggest a new way of looking at same-sex sexual behavior in animals. Over the years, researchers have discovered that many animals sometimes engage in… Read More »

Apervita’s NCQA approval helps health plans speed VBC analysis

Value-based care platform provider Apervita says it is the first company to be certified by the National Committee for Quality Assurance for electronic clinical quality measures using a clinical quality language-based engine. The company’s newly certified CQL-based engine—based on HL7 logic standards that support both eCQMs and clinical decision support—can be adopted by healthcare organizations… Read More »