Atkins Diet – Thousands Have Lost Weight Who Thought They Never Could

By | October 29, 2016

Are you guys still stuck on crash diets and diet-to-death syndromes? Come on! It’s high time you come out of it and adopt the most scientific form of losing weight. Trust me; crash diets are going to lead you nowhere. You may even end up being hospitalized! On the other hand, who doesn’t wish for that ‘hour-glass figure’? It’s understandable. So, here’s good news for you in the form of the Atkins Diet, a diet that helps you maintain your ideal body weight without much hassle.

Robert Atkins is the creator of popularly-known Atkins diet, or officially titled Atkins Nutritional Approach. It focuses on following a low carbohydrate regimen to help people lose weight by deviating from the normal metabolic theories that most people and dietitians followed. His findings are based on science and fact and don’t require individuals to fast or starve themselves like they might believe, rather it is detailed, backed by medical proof and can prove to be practical in everyday life once you’ve come to integrate it into your lifestyle.

In addition to lack of exercise, obesity results from improper diet. Excess consumption of refined carbohydrates, fats, oil, and cheeses are a few of the items found at the root of an unbalanced diet. These unhealthy items are found in foods such as pizza, pastas, rice, and even cola. When not consume in moderation, foods such as these contribute immensely to the obesity problem.

When you follow this diet you begin with fresh fruit and vegetables and then gradually increase the nutritional content in stages. Carbohydrates are allowed on this diet; 5gms of carbohydrate is recommended on the first day of the diet and the amount of carbohydrate then increases slowly. Any vegetable you can think of is allowed on the Atkins Diet – tomatoes, lettuce, cauliflower, asparagus, celery, carrots, greens such as broccoli. If it’s a vegetable and you can think of it, you’re allowed to eat it!

Healthy habits aren’t that hard to form. For starters, drink green tea rather than coffee. Start with a big bowl of vegetables. All kinds of seaweed, kale and spinach, peppers, cabbage, and onion are just a few of the veggies favored by those who follow the Atkins diet, and these can be seasoned with garlic. Eat a lot of fruits, too, such as peaches, plums, and apples.

With the Atkins Diet, you will feel a lot fuller, healthier, and energetic. Such a diet adds zero fat to your body. Slowly you access from 5gms per day to 10gms per day of the carbohydrates your body has stored. After a week’s diet you may add basics to your aliment plan, such as six to seven cashews, pistachios, peanuts. Keep in mind not to add civil foods such as lima beans, French beans, and legumes.

A generous dose of meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and cottage cheese is allowed after the initial phase of the diet. You may use olive oil and vegetable oil for cooking purposes. Such cooking oils are low on fat content. Try and avoid alcoholic beverages as much as possible. This should get you going at the helm. You are sure to lose weight if you can keep your craving for cheesy foods under control. I bet you will find a newer ‘YOU’ sooner than you could ever imagine!

Atkins Low Carbohydrate Diet is one of the best ways to lose weight fast and live a healthy life style with easy dietary changes which give fast results. Atkins Low Carb uses everyday foods prepared in delicious recipes in just the right proportions to provide all the vitamins and minerals to build a healthy body and drop pounds quick. Its not uncommon to lose up to twelve pounds in the first two weeks.

I know a woman named Angela Arnold who has been morbidly obese for more than 30 years. She’s tried for years to lose weight. Now after researching the best lose weight fast diets, she has vowed to lose those extra pounds. This year she is determined to lose 100 pounds. Can she do it?

Track Angela Arnold’s plans to lose weight progress at her blog. Did she lose weight? Discover her most recent quick weight loss tips.