Anxiety Disorder Physical Symptoms

By | December 23, 2017

Though frequently considered a “mental” condition, there are any number of anxiety and stress. Not to get too holistic here, but the mind and the body are one unit: what happens in the mind will be voiced through the body. That isn’t to assert that everybody will face the same symptoms, however – some may suffer one or two physical symptoms whilst others could be experience many more.

On their own, these symptoms are generally not harmful but when mixed together at a frequent rate, they can cause major diseases. Individual patients’ physical anxiety symptoms will be affected differently, so being aware of what the physical symptoms are, and how they can cause a body to react, is the key to diagnosing the scale of stress. Doctors generally endorse people suffering from 4 or more physical symptoms of anxiety of anxiety or stress should seek a medical opinion.

Physical signs of stress or stress can consist of dizziness, headaches, chest agony, racing heart, sore eyes, ill stomach, panic, weak legs, disturbing thoughts, visual nightmares, shivering sensations, and tremors. If whatever is causing the stress is short lived then these symptoms will likely disappear as quickly as they occurred. But if any of these physical symptoms are long-lasting and disruptive, they could be indications of a more heavy problem. That is when chatting with a doctor is crucial.

When physical symptoms of anxiety and stress produce physical diseases they become a time bomb ready for combustion. Anxiety feeds on the symptoms, which in turn aggravates the illness, causing more anxiety. This process becomes a perpetual circle of discomfort and suffering as the patient’s physical and mental health deteriorates.

If the causes are not addressed and the stress is left unbridled, it could eventually lead to an anxiety disorder. This is a heavy medical illness. Anxiety disorders affect approximately 19,000,000 Yankee adults and almost as many kids and adolescents. In truth, stress disorders as a group are said to be the most common mental illness in America.

Now a word of caution: because you’re feeling anxious does not mean you’re suffering from a disorder – only a physician can make that make that diagnosis.

Overwhelming physical anxiety symptoms and fear dominates the life of a patient with an anxiety disorder. These disorders are prolonged, relentless, and can grow gradually worse if not treated.They are linked to a number of physical problems, including arthritis, migraines, allergies, thyroid illness, breathing illness, and gastrointestinal issues. Left unchecked they can also lead to other mental disorders such as panic, phobia, obsessive-compulsive, and agoraphobia. Treatment must be administered as quickly as possible to avoid the complete shut down of the immune system.

Physical evidence of anxiety are are not designed to be concealed : they make themselves known as the body is trying to heal itself, and it wants these things dealt with. Fortuitously these symptoms are reasonably simple to spot; they’re not as silent as, say, signs of cancer or coronary disease. They are not not shy and, because of this, they give a person every opportunity to hunt them down and treat the underlying causes.

Awareness and teaching about the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress are crucial to patients, doctors, psychiatrists, and the general public. No one is immune to these to anxiety and stress so knowing how to subdue them will benefit virtually everyone.

You can read more about physical symptoms of anxiety here. Not sure what’s happening? Take this Anxiety Quiz now and get a free informational report with easy to understand graphics and a breakdown of your situation.