A Summary Of The Alkaline Diet Plan

By | January 14, 2017

There has certainly been a lot of publicity lately about the alkaline diet. The purpose of this article is to examine the alkaline diet plan in detail, including its advantages and ways to apply it.

Many individuals consider the alkaline diet plan a viable option for getting or sustaining a healthy mind and body. Advantages include weight loss, mental clarity, improved energy, and even healthy skin and hair. It can also help clean the body of stored toxins. Some supporters also state that the alkaline diet plan is a way to reduce or even rid oneself of cancer. I will not make that strong of a claim. However I will mention to you that I applied many elements of the plan while I was on high-dose chemotherapy and it actually helped me keep my strength and weight throughout the therapy.

Let’s start with some background. Your body’s pH level shows how acidic or basic it is. Alkaline diet plan supporters understand that sustaining an alkaline, or basic, pH level is essential to your health. In fact, blood in a healthy individual has a pH of about 7.4, which is a little alkaline. The logic is that consuming a diet high in alkaline foods assists your body maintain a basic pH and therefore benefits your wellness. Too much acidity in the body can be very unsafe and can adversely impact all body systems. It could cause inflammation, achy joints, fatigue, and digestion concerns – just to name a few concerns.

So, what are foods are alkaline? Right here are the key types:

– Vegetables – Fruits – Legumes – Nuts – Seeds – Grains

I would also like to mention, that because one of the big benefits of the alkaline diet plan is to purge the body of toxins, it is vital to eat high quality food items. Raw, organic foods are best. Sprouted grains are best.

Additionally, drinking lots of water, in the range of 8 or even more cups a day is very important. The body is over 70 % water, so it makes sense that replacing it is crucial. Drinking lots of water also flushes out toxins in the body. Selling alkaline water has developed into a big business with defenders claiming that it is more beneficial than typical water. This appears to be controversial with alkaline diet advocates. Whether regular or alkaline water, drinking a healthy quantity of it will help to neutralize the accumulated acids and toxins in the body. I do, however, recommend consuming filtered water instead of tap water.

Strict adherents to the alkaline diet plan do not eat meats or dairy, are vegan, and consume raw foods. However, there are others who propose a more balanced approach. The advantage of a balanced approach is that it is a lot easier to abide by a diet that allows for some flexibility. My favorite approach is to make alkaline foods 70-80 % of your diet and then to enjoy the foods you like for the rest of your calories without regret. However, it is a very individual choice dependent on what works for you.

In conclusion, even though this has been a high level summary of the alkaline diet plan, I have summarized the advantages and possible application of the plan so you can easily determine if and to what degree it is for you.

Mark runs the popular Health Blog, Nutrition and Exercise Resources. This blog is an excellent resource for more information about the Alkaline Diet Plan.

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