Blood Capsules as a Costume Prop

By | April 25, 2018
by whalt

A costume is not just about getting the right accessories. For a genuinely scary costume, people would have to put effort in finding makeup that would work well with the overall appeal of their costume. Perhaps it would be confusing for people who never really tried to experiment with makeup. Those people can ask for help from those who have had experience in using stage makeup.

It is not just about the foundation, the eyeliner or the basic types of makeup. Makeup for Halloween costumes needs to be more noticeable and more defined. It might be better if people resorted to using face paint rather than depend on multiple applications of the subtle colors of everyday makeup. After the base, that would be the time to put on the final touches to make it seem scarier. Because it is for a scary costume, blood capsules are probably the most useful fancy makeup this season.

Basically, a blood capsule is a costume prop. People need to bite into it to let fake blood ooze out of the mouth. This is often used along with zombie costumes, vampire costumes and other gruesome costumes. Actually, just about any Halloween fancy dress can be turned more ghastly with one. For example, a bear costume will be more fitting for the Halloween with streaks of blood coming out of the mouth. The same is applicable in an Egyptian costume. A bit of pale makeup, washable blood on the costume and dried blood on the mouth will make a Cleopatra costume look horrifying. It really depends how scary people want their costumes to be.

This is not only to be used for scary costumes. Sexy adult ensembles can also be made more fitting for the Halloween theme if they have those red marks around the mouth. For example, a teenager who already owns a playboy bunny costume does not have to get a new costume if the host demanded a scary one. A bit of experimentation and they can turn the otherwise seductive costume into a macabre ensemble. They can start with using pale foundation all over. This can be done by mixing white and mint green face paint. People can also use the green tint foundation if they do not have face paint but it would be quite expensive to use those. They can also add fake wounds and scars that can also be bought in Halloween specialty shops. Just before they head to the venue, they can bite into the capsule and make the outfit complete. Some even put dried blood on their hair.

It would be up to the person how much blood they want. If they want the detail to be more subtle then they can opt to bite only one or two capsules. On the other hand, if they wish to look seriously bloody, they can bite into six or more capsules with fake blood. Halloween accessories as such can spell more fun for youngsters and their playmates. Parents can also get extra capsules so that the kid can give them to other kids who are naturally curious.

Banners ‘n’ Balloons are the UK’s largest retailer of Fancy Dress products. Should you wish to learn more about how we can help you with either Zombie Fancy Dress or Halloween Fancy Dress , please click on either of the links and it will take you to our online store. Please give plenty of time for ordering as each year we do sell out fast.