Food List For South Beach Diet: Working Your Way Through The Program

By | November 16, 2016

The South Beach Diet is one of the favorite diet programs for people who would like to lose weight. Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist, has formulated it. It is claimed that the food list for South Beach diet can help you lose weight from 8 to 13 pounds in the span of two weeks. This two-week span is just for the first phase of the program.

Principles of South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is a diet that focuses on the intake of carbohydrates and fats. The diet has three stages. Each stage is called a phase. The first two phases introduces the gradual changes in your diet while the third phase is the diet that you will use for maintenance after going through the first two phases.

The South Beach Diet is a program where you are allowed to eat three meals a day with two snacks in between the meals. It aims to transform your eating habits from eating bad carbohydrates to eating good carbohydrates.

Phases of the South Beach Diet

As previously mentioned, the South Beach Diet has three phases.

Phase 1 is the start of the program. The Phase 1 stage will run for two weeks. During this span of time, you are allowed to eat three times a day with regular servings. Your food will not be measured at all. But in this phase, all forms of carbohydrate are not allowed. There will be a total absence of carbohydrates for a span of two weeks.

The food list for this phase includes meat like chicken and turkey – ensure that these meats are skinless. All meat should be lean meat like tenderloin and sirloin. Peanuts and pistachios nuts are also acceptable. Fishes, any type of it, are also acceptable.

Eggs and cheese plus oils like canola and olive oils are also allowed in the Phase 1 diet. Green vegetables like salads, cucumbers and broccoli are permitted. In addition to these, make sure that you drink lots of water to help in the metabolism of fats.

On the other hand, the following are excluded from the food list for this phase: red meat like rib steaks or honey-baked ham; dairy products other than low fat cheeses – examples are yogurt, ice cream, whole milk, low-fat milk and soy milk; vegetables with pure carbohydrates, such as potatoes, corn and carrots. All types of fruits, alcohol, starchy foods and sweets should also be avoided. Starchy food includes all pasta, rice, oatmeal and bread. Sweets, on the other hand, include candies, ice cream, cakes and cookies.

Phase 2 Food List for South Beach Diet

Phase 2 stage is a breather as compared with Phase 1. Under Phase 2, the goal of the program is to reintroduce carbohydrates. This time, you are only allowed to eat good carbohydrates. There are some people who stay longer than two weeks in Phase 1 but it is not recommended.

Phase 2 of the South Beach diet has a slower rate of weight reduction. It will only take off 1 to 2 pounds per week. There is no definite span of time for this phase. You can stay in this phase for as long as it takes to reach your ideal weight.

The foods that are allowed on this phase are the same with the foods that are allowed in Phase 1, plus some that are added. The additional Phase 2 food list for South Beach diet includes: fruits and milk, which are fat-free, like non-fat milk and soymilk. In Phase 2, you are allowed to eat whole grain starches and barley. A little alcohol is allowed, in the form of red wine.

Others carbohydrate-rich foods are also allowed but should be taken moderately. These are potatoes, carrots, beets and refined wheat baked goods. Fruits like bananas, watermelon and pineapple can be eaten sparingly.

Phase 3 Food List for South Beach Diet

This phase is for weight maintenance. This phase can last for a lifetime if you wish. Once you have achieved the weight that you desire, you will now just continue your current diet program.

For this phase, all food categories are allowed, but make sure that you only eat foods with good carbohydrates and with low glycemic index. Refrain from eating processed foods that contain lots of bad carbs and bad fats.

The food list for South Beach Diet is not that difficult to implement and this diet program is one of the most feasible among the many diet plans out there. You will just have to adhere and follow the restrictions to be able to maintain the weight that you have been dreaming of.

Visit to learn more about food list for South Beach diet and free weight loss diet plans .