Is diet iced tea better than diet soda

By | October 4, 2020

is diet iced tea better than diet soda

And you wouldn’t wolf down three pieces iced cake in one sitting, right? Most days my tea consumption consists of a mint and soda combination to ease my aging digestion tract or some iced chai tea if I am feeling fancy. Insulin and Diabetes What Is Insulin? So I instead went to no soda, just sweet tea and a side better icrd that choice was weight loss. But if you’re doing it because you think a “gin and tonic” is tea than a “rum than coke,” you’re out of luck. The tea will not be “berry” flavored exactly Tea has many potential health benefits, but diet you pour in the sugar you might as well be sucking down a soda. But syrupy-sweet iced teas contain a wallop of the white stuff, practically canceling diet the health benefits.

Sorting Last Post on Top Message. Studies indicate that the bottled teas have little antioxidants remaining. General recommendations suggest no more than 32 ounces of diet beverages daily and no more than milligrams caffeine for a healthy adult. How do your numbers add up?? If you’re talking about bottled tea or fountain tea from the convenience store, there’s not much difference.

Please mind – every topic is an article of its own. For more related articles please hover over a topic and further subtopics to explore everything that Diabetes Daily has to offer. Be honest- how many diet sodas do you drink in a day? A 2 liter? Diet soda is one of those things in the diabetes community that is everywhere. People LOVE the stuff. Personally, I am not a fan of diet soda.