ClinMAPS app launched to help better assess and treat burn scars

By | November 26, 2018

The first known digital scar assessment app will soon be available for clinicians and therapists working with burns patients.

Senior Occupational Therapist with the Adult Burn Service at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) in Australia, Ms Tanja Klotz, said the ClinMAPS PRO app will be used for patients and in research to accurately assess the severity of burn scars at any point in time.

“The app uses photos of a patient’s burns scar and compares it with photos of others, to give a score indicating how active the scar is,” Ms Klotz said.

“As the scar progresses, the score will either increase if the scar becomes worse or decrease as it reduces in activity, providing the clinician and the patient with an indicator of scar development and effectiveness of previous treatments used on the original wound.

Other scar rating scales use numbers or words to describe what the scar looks like, but since every scar is quite unique, photos provide a much better comparison. The app also creates a pre-formatted report that the clinician can email or print, and also includes a patient-centred questionnaire, allowing them to give their own feedback.”

The app is based on the reference book, Matching Assessment using Photographs with Scars (MAPS), which was developed in 2005 by Margot Masters and Margaret McMahon, therapists working with burns patients at the RAH.

While the hardcopy has been sold by the hospital, the app makes the information more readily available to clinicians and therapists worldwide, ultimately benefiting patients across the globe.

AusHealth, a private Adelaide company that commercialises medical research in South Australia, funded the app’s development.

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of AusHealth, Mr Greg Johansen, said that it’s the first app of its kind and an exciting development to happen at the RAH.

“The app will include improved and updated photos superior to the original reference book that was used, further assisting researchers who examine the effects of different treatments,” Mr Johansen said.

“ClinMAPS is a great example of the outstanding talent we have in developing digital healthcare here in South Australia and we believe it will be a great asset to help all serious burns patients and their clinicians identify appropriate treatments for healing.”

The ClinMAPS PRO app is now available for download and purchase from the Apple app store.

In Singapore, the CARES4WOUNDS wound management app, which is capable of capturing 3D images of wounds, measure, record and monitoring progress will be implemented in Ren Ci Nursing Homes in the first half of 2019.
