Your Horoscope for the Week of March 14

By | March 14, 2021

Overview: Let’s innovate! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in stabilizing Taurus helps us find safety through innovation and change. On Saturday, the Sun enters Aries, where it stays until April 19. Happy Astro New Year! Venus enters passionate Aries on Sunday, where it stays until April 14, empowering the zodiac to prioritize freedom within relationships.

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What that means for you:


Treat yourself, Aries! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in pleasure-loving Taurus wants you to indulge in meaningful self-care. On Saturday, the Sun enters your sign! Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true. Venus enters Aries on Sunday, harmonizing, beautifying, and supporting your relationship with romantic relationships and making you ~irresistible~.


Do it differently, Taurus! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in Taurus wants you to set yourself free from a habit or situation you know isn’t working. On Saturday, the Sun enters Aries and helps you take a monthlong sabbatical. Use the time to review your year and prepare for the future. Then, Venus enters Aries on Sunday, giving you closure and forgiveness from romantic relationships in the past.


Let it go, Gemini! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled completion sector wants you to apply closure or finality somewhere. The Sun enters your Aries-ruled friendship zone on Saturday, reuniting you with your friends and community. Venus enters Aries on Sunday, blurring the boundaries between friend and lover. Why not experiment with both?


Check in on your friends, Cancer! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled friendship sector wants you to support a friend. Then the Sun enters your Aries-ruled work and career zone on Saturday, giving you the professional changes you’re dreaming of. Finally, Venus enters Aries on Sunday, improving the quality of your relationships with your coworkers and your boss.


Lead the way, Leo! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in your Taurus-ruled career zone wants you to be a leader who holds space for the brilliance of others. The Sun enters your Aries-ruled expansion zone on Saturday, giving you experiences that change your perspective. Then Venus enters Aries on Sunday, helping you step outside of your romantic comfort zones and try different strategies!


When you know better, do better, Virgo! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in Taurus wants you to apply a lesson to your life for integrity’s sake. The Sun enters your Aries-ruled intimacy sector on Saturday, turning up the temperature just in time for spring. Then Venus enters Aries on Sunday, inspiring a deeper dive into pleasure with people you trust!


Share what’s on your heart, Libra! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in truth-telling Taurus wants you to speak your fears, hopes, or desires. The Sun enters your Aries-ruled romantic zone on Saturday, helping you find opposites-attract chemistry. Venus enters Aries on Sunday, reframing your “type” and pushing you to break relationship habits!


What does “trust” mean to you, Scorpio? Understand it and name it with others under Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in compromising Taurus. The Sun enters your Aries-ruled wellbeing zone on Saturday, helping you proactively set up your life. Then Venus enters Aries on Sunday, giving you supportive relationships with people who want to help you become your best self.

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Concentrate pls, Sag! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in mindful Taurus wants you to pay attention to the details so you can see the big picture, too. The Sun enters your Aries-ruled confidence zone on Saturday, connecting you to experiences that build your self-esteem. Venus enters Aries on Sunday, magnetizing partners who reflect your worthiness and power.


Embrace joy, Capricorn! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction wants you to work less and live a little more. Say yes to pleasure! The Sun enters your Aries-ruled home and family zone on Saturday, reconnecting you with the people/places that keep your heart safe. Then Venus enters Aries on Sunday, inspiring you to show your tender, vulnerable, and sensitive side to your partner/s.


Protect your emotional safety, Aqua! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in vulnerable Taurus wants you to safeguard you heart. The Sun enters your Aries-ruled mindfulness and curiosity zone on Saturday, helping you frame communication more powerfully. Then Venus enters Aries on Sunday, giving you heart-eyes for those who know how to use their words!

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Happy Birthday, Pisces! Tuesday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in talkative Taurus gives you the words to share your inner world. The Sun enters Aries on Saturday, asking you to find the vales to secure your new year in integrity and authenticity. Then Venus also enters Aries on Sunday, boosting your financial literacy while encouraging you to treat yourself, too!

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