Yeast Infection Home Remedies

By | January 9, 2017

A Yeast Infection is an imbalance of yeast in the vagina caused usually by an overgrowth of the yeast fungus, Candida albicans. Candida is naturally present in our bodies (men too). This same fungus often causes diaper rash. Usually yeast is kept in check by “good” bacteria – which are naturally present.

If normal balance of the vagina is disturbed, Candida albicans can multiply, resulting in a vaginal yeast infection (candidiasis).

Typical Yeast Infection Symptoms are:
Vaginal itching
Cottage cheese-like Vaginal discharge that may be thick, white, and lumpy
Vaginal soreness
Rash or redness on the skin outside the vagina (vulva)
Burning on urination
Painful vaginal intercourse

If you’re feeling very uncomfortable, embarrassed or even scared. That’s normal, if you’ve never had a vaginal yeast infection before. But, know you are not alone. Almost 3 out of every 4 women have at least one candida yeast infection in their lives.

Vaginal yeast infections are seldom serious. Try some Home Remedies if it’s not too bad. If your Yeast infection is really bad, effective over-the-counter treatments such as Monistat or Gyne-Lotrimin provide relief pretty quickly. Most pharmacies carry over-the-counter Yeast infection treatments.

Good Home Remedies include:

yogurt is the #1 Home Remedy choice. Even some Dr.’s and Midwives recommend it. Yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium that is found in healthy vaginas. Acidophilus kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Make sure that your yoghurt is Really cultured. If you see “ProBiotic” on the label it’s a good sign. To treat a minor yeast infection simply apply it directly to the vulva and gently introduce some into the vagina. Continue for a week.

Acidophilus capsules Another method is to get acidophilus capsules from a natural foods store. You can easily open up the capsules and gently apply the powder to your vulva with the contents. Or you can mix with water and coat a tampon in it and insert it, gently. Continue for a week.

Grapefruit Seed Extracts are highly effective locally, or taken by mouth. Products like Nutribiotic are supurb. Or you can take your own. Just throw a handful of grapefruit seeds(collect the seeds in season) in the blender. When they are crushed, strain out the particles, and you have a POWERFUL antifungal. Mix eually with AloeVera Gel and Apply locally.

Garlic contains natural antifungal substances that kill off yeast. If it seems too gross to apply a peeled and oiled(with Olive Oil)Actual Garlic Clove, you could also try the garlic SOFT capsules that are sold in many health food stores

Hydrogen Peroxide is produced naturally by bacteria in your vagina, and kills yeast. Try mixing 1 teaspoon of ordinary 3% hydrogen peroxide with 1 cup of water. use as a douche once a day until the symptoms disappear.

Teatree oil is available at many natural foods stores. Just be careful to dilute it well, because it can burn. Try 10 drops per 2 cups of water, as a wash.

Potassium sorbate is a potent fungicide that is used in food preservation. It is often used in brewing beer to stop the growth of the yeast at the correct time. Potassium sorbate is available at home-brewing suppliers, and at some natural foods stores. Mix about 1 tablespoon Potassium sorbate to a cup of water and use as a wash or Douche.

Goldenseal Powder mixed with AloeVera is often soothing and helpful.

Calendula(Marigold flowers) cream or wash is also soothing and often effective for Minor Yeast Discomfort.

Vinegar can help make the pH of the vagina, inhospitable to yeast. Try making a solution with 2 tablespoons of white or cider vinegar, per quart of water. Wash or douche every day to treat mild infections, or in combination with other treatments.

Aliza Adar LevineRNMH is a Nurse, Midwife, TCM Herbalist, and Medical Researcher for over 20 years. Learn more about yeast infections at and Learn more about intimate health issues at