Who Needs a Good Night’s Sleep? Delving into the Depths of Insomnia

By | May 14, 2017

“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Are you like Gandhi in this respect or do you wake up most mornings feeling like the undead? Do you drift blissfully off into silent slumber or do you raise hell and the roof doing it? Millions of people suffer from sleep disorders ranging from primary insomnia to somnophobia (the fear of going to bed or falling asleep), some without knowing anything about their condition. But there’s definitely a silver lining to this dream-cloud.

Though snoring, or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is presumably the most common problem that sleep experts such as Ronald A. Popper, MD, FCCP, FAASM, DABSM come into contact with, there are other disorders that can be treated with equal efficacy and speed. At his Thousand Oaks, CA facility, Dr. Popper regularly treats not only OSA sufferers, but those with various manifestations of insomnia, narcolepsy and parasomnia.

Why Treat a Sleep Disorder?

Sleep disorders can be equally disruptive to the sleeper and the bedmate. While the former may have little or no awareness of his or her condition, the mate will usually account for a lion’s portion of the awareness, and resulting aggression! Sleep disorders can not only create life-threatening situations, but the far more sinister symptom is that they can be social and personal nightmares. Sleep disorders can often be embarrassing and restrict the ability to socialize freely.

Are They Hard to Treat?

Sleep problems can be easily treated with the right type of medical techniques, but they first need to be identified. At the Southern California Pulmonary and Sleep Disorders Medical Center, Dr. Popper and his team arrive at a diagnosis only after a complete physical examination – often coupled with a painless sleep study – to determine the type of treatment required. The treatment itself is painless, and dispels many of the dark myths about sleep disorders and their treatability.

Basic Problems Addressed

As described in the company’s web avatar – Sleep MD 4 U -Dr. Popper treats complex conditions, but also addresses apparently ‘inexplicable’ disorders such as primary insomnia. Many people find it hard to go to sleep every single night for no obvious reason. If you’re one of them, then you’re one of 40 million people in the United States with some sort of sleep disorder. Businesses lose $ 18 billion a year because of sleep disorders of their employees. This is not a problem that can be swept under the bedroom carpet. If you’re a sufferer or know of someone who is, click here to get more info on sleep disorders and how they can be treated.

According to the Sleep MD 4 U professionals there are different types of sleep disorders and problems that people have to deal with. We very well know the factors that are the cause of this problem.