What Are the Different Types of IVF ?

By | September 24, 2018

In IVF procedure, the ovum is taken out from the female’s ovaries and allowed to combine with the sperm in the petri dish inside an advanced IVF laboratory. IVF stands for In Vitro fertilization that is a blessing for couples who are unable to become parents biologically in the natural way. In this process, eggs from the female partner in a couple or donor is combined with the sperm of the male outside the body in the IVF laboratory under strict hygienic condition. The entire process is carried out “in glass” and hence the process is known as “in vitro”.

A Brief Overview of the In Vitro Fertilization Process

In this procedure, the ovum is taken out from the female’s ovaries and allowed to combine with the sperm in the petri dish inside an advanced IVF laboratory. Scientifically, fertilized eggs are known as zygotes undergo the process of embryo culture for a duration of 2-6 days. The embryos are then transferred to the uterus of the woman who is going to conceive, therefore, establishing a successful pregnancy for the lady. A couple can even get their eggs and sperms freezed and later utilize them in the IVF treatment. This helps in increasing the success rates of the respective infertility treatment, thus achieving the desired success with the treatment.

When is a couple advised to opt for IVF procedure?

A couple is recommended to opt for IVF procedure in the following cases:
Decreased sperm count or reduced sperm mobility
Damaged Fallopian Tubes
Presence of uterine fibroids and ovulation disorders in women.
Evidence of genetic disorder
Unexplained infertility
Types of In Vitro Fertilization

With the advancements in the field of infertility treatments, it is important to understand that there are different types of in vitro fertilization procedures which serve unique ways in assisting couples with their aim of having babies and building their families.

1. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

ICSI is one of the most advanced assisted reproductive technologies utilized with IVF procedure. The procedure of IVF is most useful for the couples in which men have low sperm count and motility as required for a successful IVF treatment. Here, the sperms are retrieved from the male’s testes surgically. On the other side, the eggs from the female partner are retrieved surgically too. A tiny hole needle is used to inject one sperm into an egg. Then, the growth and development of the fertilized egg is monitored effectively. The success rates of ICSI when used with other infertility treatments is worth appreciating.

2. Using donor’s eggs

Occasionally, due to many reasons, the quality of the eggs is up to the expected mark especially if a woman has crossed 40 years of age and wants to plan a baby. In such a case, fertilization using donor’s egg is the recommended solution for couples who are trying to conceive a baby. The entire process of fertilization is same except for the fact that donor has to undergo the process of ovarian stimulation along with egg collection. The process then continues with the fact that donor eggs are combined with the sperm of the male partner and the embryo thus formed are transferred to the womb of the female partner. One must know that here the egg donor needs to undergo a series of examination for ensuring successful donation of the eggs for the IVF treatment.

4. Fresh embryo transfer:

According to studies, in case many healthy embryos are developed then it can be left for 2-5 days, so that it can develop into blastocysts and then transfer (blastocyst embryo transfer) can be done. Fresh embryo transfer is commonly used in most of the infertility treatments. Many couples are choosing the Fresh Embryo Transfer procedure as the recommended option for the success of infertility treatments.

5. Frozen embryo transfer (FET):

In case there’s spare healthy embryos or blastocysts have not been used for in-vitro fertilization for the first time, it can be stored or frozen so that this can be used in future. There are possibilities of infertility treatment failure or a couple may want a child after some years, in such cases, this can be used. In addition, there are also chances that a women has got ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome due to ovary stimulation, then Frozen Embryo Transfer is recommended to the couples.

Thus, these are the main types of IVF treatments which are recommended and utilized successfully in most of the infertility cases.

By: Neha Ela

Get Absolute Guide about Infertility : Elawoman Infertility Treatment Center
Get Fertility Consultation : Elawoman IVF Centre in India

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Article Tags: what is ivf , ivf treatment , types of ivf treatment , ivf treatment in india , ivf treatment in delhi

Submitted On Sep 14, 2018. Viewed 29 times.

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