Conditioning sucks. Whether you’re running wind sprints or racking up miles, you’re probably not going to be having much fun.
That doesn’t have to be the case—especially not if you ask firefighter and trainer Frank D’Agostino, N.A.S.M.-C.P.T. He designed this super-quick 10-minute routine to spark your conditioning workouts. Even if you hate it, the series of drills is over before you know it, so there’s not much time to dwell on the discomfort. Every move in the series only relies on your bodyweight, too, so there’s no heavy equipment to worry about.
To perform the routine, all you need is yourself. Just find some open space to spread out and jump around in the gym or your home and get ready to sweat. You’ll do a quick warmup, then two different circuits back-to-back, then a brutal 2-minute finisher. There’s not much rest to be had (you’ll only get 10 seconds to catch your breath between moves) but the toughness is the point.
- Jumping Jacks
- Air Squats
- Jump Squats
Circuit A
Round 1
30 seconds on, 10 seconds off
- Pivot Punches
- Crossover Mountain Climbers
- Shuffle Jump Tucks
- Cherry Pickers
Round 2
30 seconds on, 10 seconds off
- Pivot Punches
- Crossover Mountain Climbers
- Shuffle Jump Tucks
- Cherry Pickers
Circuit B
Round 1
30 seconds on, 10 seconds off
- Mule Kicks
- Froggers
- Kneeling Thruster
Round 2
30 seconds on, 10 seconds off
- Mule Kicks
- Froggers
- Kneeling Thruster
2-Minute Burner Finisher
- Plank-Up to Elbow Drive
Add an extra plank to pushup before the elbow drive after each rep.