The Mayo Clinic Diet Exposed

By | December 1, 2016

The Mayo clinic diet is actually a diet based on the clinic’s healthy weight pyramid.

The Mayo Clinic diet is not just an ordinary weight loss diet. It is actually a lifestyle that helps you to maintain your healthy weight for a long period of time. If you are sick and tired of trying fad diets that only help you to lose water weight that you will regain back just as quickly as it was lost, then how about giving the Mayo Clinic Diet a try? The major misconception about the Mayo Clinic Diet is people almost always place it side by side with the Grapefruit diet. This is an alarming fact as the Grapefruit Diet itself is a diet that consists of eating only grapefruit, and grapefruit juice. It is so unlike the Mayo Clinic Diet. Here, we will reveal to you the true identity of the Mayo Clinic Diet.

The Mayo Clinic Diet exposed!

The Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid helps you live an enjoyable healthier lifestyle that you will most certainly love.

So, this means that you are spared from any form of restrictions when it comes to eating the foods that you love.

The weight pyramid consists of, vegetables, carbohydrates and fruits at the base. Dairy and protein are above on a smaller tier with fats on an even smaller tier towards the top with sweets clinching the peak of the pyramid.

The Mayo Clinic diet, unlike the Grapefruit diet, focuses on the food you eat, rather than on the weight that you want to lose. In fact, it focuses on your overall health.

The doctors and dietitians from the Mayo Clinic itself originally created the diet. The Mayo Clinic Diet aims to make you achieve and maintain a weight that is suitable for you specifically.

The Mayo Clinic encourages you to consume a minimum of three fruits per day. You may eat 4-8 servings of whole grains, 3-7 servings of beans, fish, and low-fat dairy. As for fats, you can only eat 3-5 servings. Processed sugars are the most restrictive and only up to 75 calories of your total diet are made up of this group.

Be aware of the number of calories per serving of foods as they play a huge role in determining your healthy weight. High fat foods have plenty of calories in a very small amount of food. So if you want to achieve your healthy weight, Mayo Clinic recommends dieters to eat lots of foods with low energy density, that is low calories to volume.

You can reap so much benefit by following the real Mayo Clinic Diet. This is in contrast with the Grapefruit fad diet, which is usually mistakenly thought of as the Mayo Clinic Diet.

Listen to this: The Mayo Clinic does not endorse the Grapefruit diet.

The “Mayo Clinic Grapefruit Diet” is a myth.

So now that you know that the Mayo Clinic Diet and the Grapefruit Diet are not linked to each other, you are better equipped to make a much wiser choice based on fact. Now you can settle with a truly healthy and long lasting weight loss regime, rather then trying out risky and temporary weight loss diets which could very well end up harming you and your health.

Sean Bissell is a certified sports nutritionist providing easy diet tips at . Interested in learning how to lose weight fast ? Click Here to learn the secrets most dieters never know about losing weight for free.