The HCG Diet Plan Versus the Diet Solution Program

By | October 16, 2016

The HCG Diet Plan was first discovered by the British physician Dr. A.T.W. Simeons who, in 1954, published a paper regarding his finding. This diet plan did not obtain immediate attention from people but it eventually became popular. In this plan, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) was used to achieve quick weight loss. The placenta in pregnant women produces HCG and it controls their metabolic functions at the time of their pregnancy.

The significance of an HCG injection is that it reshapes one’s body and encourages weight loss. When it is taken with a restrictive diet, muscle loss is avoided. The HCG Diet Plan is very restrictive as it only allows the follower to consume 500 calories a day. It also recommends mild exercise so as to promote good cardiovascular heath. There are reports that say plenty of HCG users lose a pound or two in one day. It is ideal for both males and females.

There are nutritionists who say that getting HCG shots is quite similar to taking a placebo. Such shots are also used these days primarily for fertility increase. These nutritionists would rather recommend a diet that is healthy and has low-calorie foods in it coupled with realistic eating habits instead of the HCG Diet Plan. To have a good body shape and achieve weight loss, it is recommended to exercise regularly. The top nutritionist in the U.S., Isabel De Los Rios, and the famous sports nutrition doctor, Eric Serrano, recommend the Diet Solution Program to those who would like to lose weight realistically, permanently and healthily.

If the HCG Plan Diet is unbelievably restraining with only 500 calories every day, the Diet Solution Program is a realistic one that guides people to eat properly and healthily. It is a system that the average person can easily follow and is ideal for everyone. It has all the details a dieter would want to know about weight loss. It dismisses myths and wrong notions of people regarding weight reduction.

The Diet Solution Program encourages people to scrutinize the foods they are currently eating. If their diet is filled with processed and packed foods that contain fat, calories and chemicals, they are not eating healthily and are just storing more pounds in their bodies. The food they consume turn to sugar once inside the body thus the reason why people become fat. In order to still eat and lose weight, the Diet Solution Program recommends eating fat and calorie-burning foods instead.

According to nutrition experts, unlike the HCG Diet Plan, the Diet Solution Program makes adjustments to a follower’s diet depending on the kind of body and metabolic rate he or she has. Because of this, the follower begins to shed off excess pounds immediately. Many people follow this program because it does not require them to constantly go to the gym and take diet drugs or nutritional supplements. It just has recommended meal plans that users must commit to.

For those who are on the HCG Diet Plan, they should try the Diet Solution Program first for a healthy and sustainable weight loss.

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