Stomach ulcers: Treatment, Symptoms and Medication

By | June 11, 2017

What is a stomach ulcer? A stomach ulcer also referred as gastric ulcer or peptic ulcer involves a break in an individual’s gastrointestinal tract which is extremely painful and generally acidic. It occurs in the mucosal lining in the stomach when the acids which digest food destroy the stomach or the intestinal walls. Stomach ulcers may turn malignant. As per a study, 60% of stomach ulcers are caused due to H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) bacterium and is likely to result in pain generally around meals. It is often accompanied by vomiting with blood, nausea, bloating, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

What causes stomach ulcer?
Some of the most common causes associated with stomach ulcer includes: Helicobacter pylori: this bacteria are held responsible for causing 60% of stomach ulcers as well as 90% of duodenal ulcers. Cancer: stomach cancer especially in older people can exist as an ulcer Certain medications: such as clopidogrel or aspirin which are taken daily for preventing stroke or heart attack as well as drugs for arthritis causes stomach ulcer. Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are considered to cause approximately two fifths of the stomach ulcers.
Symptoms of Stomach ulcer: The main symptom associated with stomach ulcer is a gnawing sensation or burning in the stomach that last from 30 minutes to a few hours. Often the pain associated with stomach ulcer is interpreted as heartburn, indigestion or hunger. Few experiences these symptoms immediately after eating while others may not experience these symptoms until a few hours later. People with ulcers may also experience pain which wakes them at night. While some may experience pain even for weeks, and may not have pain in the following few weeks. Stomach ulcers may also result in hemorrhage.
Some of the most common stomach ulcer symptoms include:
Burning pain or gnawing in the abdomen Loss of appetite Blood in stool or vomit Weakness Loss of weight MelenaWaterbrashNauseaVomitingTiredness
5 best stomach ulcer treatment Here are the 5 best ways to treat stomach ulcer Medications: Medications including antibiotics helps to destroy H. pylori bacterium, one of the most common factor that leads to stomach ulcer. Subsequent breath tests: these tests are conducted to confirm that the H. pylori bacterium has been successfully treated. Changes to current medications: the dosage of aspirin, arthritis medicines or other anti-inflammatory medications can be slightly altered in order to decrease their contributing effect on stomach ulcer. Lifestyle modifications: this includes quitting cigarettes, reducing alcohol consumption, reducing stress and taking healthy diet. Reducing acid: medications are available for reducing acid content in gastric juices.
Avoid exacerbation of stomach ulcers with Aciphex /Pariet (Rabeprazole Sodium )

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This prescription medicine belongs to a group of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors. It is used for treating acid caused problems such as stomach ulcer ad duodenal ulcer. This stomach ulcer medication has also proven to be effective to relieve symptoms including difficulty swallowing, persistent cough and heartburn. It works by blocking the pump which secretes acid in the stomach and by doing so it helps to decrease acid secretion in the stomach thereby allowing ulcers both in the stomach as well as the esophagus to heal.