Soma: Myths, Legends, and Facts

By | May 14, 2017

Soma is an object of great mystery and legend. It might be a drug, it could be a plant, and some ancient texts even revere it as a god. It has been the subject of countless books, documentaries, and films. It was an important substance in ancient cultures, and it plays an important role in today’s pharmaceutical drugs. However, the truth about soma is that like many drugs, it is a habit-forming substance which can lead to abuse and dependency. Better understanding soma is essential in creating rehabilitation plans for people addicted to it.

The earliest known references to soma are contained in the ancient Indian texts known as the Rigveda. Thousands of years ago, Indo-Iranian cultures spiritually revered this plant. They often used it in religious ceremonies, as South American peoples did with coca leaves. They found that the drug stimulating and energized and even reported that it allowed them to communicate with heavenly beings. Judging by what we now know of marijuana, mushrooms, and other hallucinogens, these people were likely having psychedelic experiences with soma.

Despite the number of textual descriptions and references to soma, nobody knows the plant these ancient peoples talk about in their writings. It may be a species which goes by another name today, or it may simply be very rare or extinct. Some researchers believe soma is the same as the modern Ephedra plant. Many others believe that since opium is the Indo-Iranian region’s most widely cultivated drug, it must be the same as the poppy plant.

Still others claim that soma is Amanita Muscaria, commonly known as psychotropic mushrooms. This fungus often causes Sleeping Sickness, a condition which causes hallucinations. Such visions may be what ancient peoples saw as communication with gods.

In his controversial novel A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley uses the name soma for the drug his new-age characters use recreationally. Many literary experts believe he is referencing the ancient Indian texts which refer to soma as a safe, enjoyable psychedelic.

In addition to all of these ancient reference and contemporary literary allusions, soma is a modern drug – a muscle relaxant manufactured by a United States drug company. Just like Ephedra, opium, mushrooms, and other substances many people compare to soma, it is addictive. It also carries dangerous side effects including chills, anxiety, heart palpitations, and physical weakness. Those who attempt to rid themselves of soma addiction also experience cramping, migraines, poor sleep, and stomach sickness during withdrawal.

Despite any difference between soma and other drugs, the threats of addictive substances are always similar. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction to soma or any other pharmaceutical or illicit drug, use the links below to get help now. Our addiction specialists are standing by twenty-four hours per day to answer your questions and help you turn your life around. Choose from some of the best inpatient, outpatient, and partial hospitalization programs in the country, and take your first steps on the road to recovery. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

A writer for the internet marketing world, Shinzat is a crafter of persuasive copy and web content for electronic media and print. Born in a remote part of Japan, Shinzat speaks a variety of languages and writes will in them all. He commands a linguisitcs degree from a Russian university and sits on the board of several consortiums for various arts.

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