Proteolytic Enzymes for Good Gut Health

By | October 14, 2018

proteolytic enzymes

Learn how proteolytic enzymes support a healthy digestive system!

Every year science reveals increasingly stronger evidence that supports the belief that a healthy gut is foundational for a vibrant lifestyle. As research grows, foods like natural yogurts, kombucha, kefir and other fermented products have exploded in popularity as we seek to support healthy digestion with smart food choices. Eating probiotic-rich foods is certainly one way to support a strong and balanced gut. Another potential support for good gut health can be found in proteolytic enzymes. Proteolytic enzymes can be found in food as well as supplements and are a key component for healthy digestion. Keep reading to learn more about proteolytic enzymes and how increasing your intake may help support your journey to health and wellness.

What Are Proteolytic Enzymes?

Your body produces and requires a host of digestive enzymes to support the processes required to keep you healthy and active. Proteolytic enzymes (also called peptidases, proteases, or proteinases) are a specific type of enzyme produced by your stomach and pancreas to assist the body in several crucial ways. These enzymes play an important role in breaking down proteins and also support blood clotting, cell division, and healthy immune function.

Proteolytic Enzymes for Digestion

The three main proteolytic enzymes produced by your body are pepsin, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Your digestive system produces each of these to help your body break down protein so it can be converted into amino acids and properly absorbed. Without these enzymes, your body cannot use the nutritious foods you’re providing, making proteolytic enzymes a key player in balanced digestion and nutrition.

Good Sources of Proteolytic Enzymes

Some plants naturally contain proteolytic enzymes to aid in their own growth, but the richest food sources are papaya and pineapple. Papaya contains a powerful proteolytic enzyme known as papain, which has been used for years as a natural meat tenderizer due to its ability to break down protein. Pineapple on the other hand, contains the enzyme bromelain which is found in the fruit, skin, and juice of the fruit. Other sources of proteolytic enzymes include kiwi, ginger, yogurt, kimchi, and kefir.

Potential Benefits

It’s not always easy to infuse your diet with a steady stream of fresh-food proteolytic enzymes, which is why supplements can be helpful to support good gut health. These supplements can contain both plant and animal-based enzymes, so be sure to select one that fits in with your dietary needs. When purchasing a proteolytic enzyme supplement, be sure to check for the potency of the enzymes not just the quantity. This will often be measured in units labelled HUT, USP, and SAP.

Try These Enzymes To Support A Balanced Gut

If you’re ready in infuse your diet with enzymes, Natural Healthy Concepts has a host of options to choose from.

Support optimal health for your digestion, joints, and muscles with Doctor’s Best Proteolytic Enzymes. Each capsule contains a wealth of plant-based enzymes including: bromelain (pineapple enzyme), papain (papaya enzyme), amylase, lipase, and neutral protease. This supplement also contains non-proteases, fungal amylase, and lipase, which have been added to facilitate digestion of a variety of foods.

Another great product is Enzyme Defense from Enzymedica, a vegan, capsule supplement specially formulated to support the immune system and aid in healthy digestion. This unique blend of enzymes can support the critical immune process that purifies the body and removes proteins that do not belong in the bloodstream.

How do you use these enzymes? Leave your comments and thoughts below, and our team will do their best to provide answers and feedback.

About Theresa Groskopp, CN

Certified Nutritionist in Appleton, Wisconsin, Founder of Natural Healthy Concepts. Natural health and nutrition advocate. Enjoys gardening, biking, fitness, boating, animals (especially cats), and cooking. Theresa Groskopp

Healthy Concepts with a Nutrition Bias