Plants used for Medicine – Spirit Journey with Sweet Basil

By | April 1, 2017

Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum), is always seen at our house during the growing season. When you happen to brush against it during your walks through the plant pots, it jumps up to say hello, letting you know it’s there with an absolutely pungent burst of aroma. We all know Basil from pesto making or additions to salads but this ‘fit for a king’ (Greek – basileus=king) herb has a lot of good medicine and history as plants used for medicine. The Basil we know as Sweet Basil is but one of many varieties. Originating in India, it was quickly cultivated throughout the world and is now used in many world cuisines.

The other day, I sat down with Sweet Basil and asked for any vibrational medicine properties not previously recorded by me. Basil is well known for its variety of medicinal benefits but I wanted to know more of its spirit, and the gift of energetic medicine it had to offer.

Energetic Benefits:

Plants used for medicine, such as Sweet Basil is known to stimulate and focus the mind and balance the emotions. It is excellent for dispelling negativity and despair in the mind. When I let the scent of basil enter my space, I immediately sensed a focus and clarity of mind. Something that was new for me is a heart opening and protecting energy. I also sensed a protection or grounding energy around my feet. The plants will always give you want you need and so apart from using essential oil of Basil in any remedies that require clarity, I will add this to my list of heart opening and protection remedies that are made at The Plant Medicine Shop. The energy feel was protection in the general ‘energy body’ sense as well of heart protection.

It is hard to talk about the spiritual benefits of Basil without noting the amazing nutritional benefits and the effect on the physical body.

Nutritional Benefits: Basil is chock full of Vitamin K, with good amounts of Vitamin A & C, iron and magnesium to name a few. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, carminative, stimulant, digestive, anti-fungal, refrigerant, nervine and a diaphoretic – which basically means that it lowers inflammation, kills certain bacteria and fungus, helps with digestive issues, calms nerves, lowers fevers and makes you sweat. Quick uses for your Sweet Basil:-

-Basil is an excellent digestive – drop a few fresh-picked leaves into boiling water.

-Insect bites are quickly relieved when a few fresh-picked leaves or essential oil is applied.

-Apply essential oil to back of neck and temple to aid mental confusion or depressive attitude

Fresh-picked leaves are excellent for summer fevers

The plant world is forever giving of its medicines and that’s why our focus has been on providing alternative care for those wishing to explore health from natural sources. The path to health can be overwhelming with all the myriad treatment options available today. For more information visit here