- PREDNISONE Medication: Treats Lupus and Other Conditions such as Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Severe Allergic Reactions, etc
“Although, your health condition may impact your everyday life, do not let it define who you are.” Prednisone provides relief for […]
- Despite HPV Vaccine, Cervical Cancer Rates Keep Rising
More than 200 strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) have been identified, and about 40 of them can cause cancer, including cervical, […]
- Cancer: Immunotherapies without side effects?
In recent years, immunotherapy has revolutionised the field of cancer treatment. However, inflammatory reactions in healthy tissues […]
- Low card diet lowers cholesterol
Card assumptions turned out to be false. However, other potential explanations exist. Another option is diet switch to a vegetarian or […]
- Friday Faves
Hi friends! Happy Friday and I hope you have a lovely Memorial Day weekend. I’ll definitely be taking time this weekend to think of […]
- Being Overweight And Inactive Equals Higher Cardiac Heart Failure Risk
A study that followed over 21,000 male doctors for two decades, measuring a variety of things including the influence of carrying a […]
- Simple Facts about Heart Failure
The heart is the second most important organ in the body after the brain. It constantly pumps blood to the other parts of the body for […]
- How Your Fast Diet Can Work While You Sleep…
Most women want a successful fast diet! They also want to get more sleep… Can we combine those two wishes? Current scientific […]