‘I want to dance’: London clubbers cheer end of COVID restrictions

Britain, which has one of the world’s highest death tolls from COVID, is facing a new wave of cases, but Prime Minister Boris Johnson is lifting most restrictions in England in what some have dubbed “Freedom Day”. Epidemiologists are generally sceptical that lifting restrictions is the right thing to do, but many young British people… Read More »

Signaling molecule may prevent Alzheimer’s

New research in humans and mice identifies a particular signaling molecule that can help modify inflammation and the immune system to protect against Alzheimer’s disease. The work, which was led by investigators at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), is published in Nature. Cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease develops when neurons begin to die. “Neuron death… Read More »

Scientists create tool to explore billions of social media messages, potentially predict political and financial turmoil

For thousands of years, people looked into the night sky with their naked eyes — and told stories about the few visible stars. Then we invented telescopes. In 1840, the philosopher Thomas Carlyle claimed that “the history of the world is but the biography of great men.” Then we started posting on Twitter. Now scientists… Read More »