Cbt for anorexia nervosa

Eating disorders are becoming more common in nonwestern societies and some of these presentations are atypical variants such as atypical anorexia nervosa. There is very little data on how to treat these patients. This case study reports the treatment of a young adult female in Sri Lanka who presented with atypical anorexia nervosa and moderate… Read More »

Who should you see for muscle pain

Blood tests can be very useful in diagnosing certain causes of muscle pain. MRI can be helpful to look at muscle in a less invasive fashion. Early HIV symptoms: What are they? To lose weight, eat more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat foods. The muscle pain of RA, if it exists, is often prominent and felt… Read More »

Do You Feel Like You Hate Everyone?

Believe it or not, there is an actual name for hating everyone because it is a real disorder. They call it misanthropy and it is characterized by a hatred of the human race. Well, you are a human being so does that mean you hate yourself? Possibly, but that does not have to be a… Read More »