Low sodium diet bad for health

Sodium is a mineral found naturally in foods and also added to foods. Sodium plays an important role in maintaining normal fluid balance in the body. A low-sodium diet is important to follow in order to control your heart failure symptoms and prevent future heart problems. Learn to read food labels. Use the label information… Read More »

Carb avocado on a low carb diet?

Scroll to the bottom of this post svocado see all my avocado recipes. I also use the Diet? Pot to cook a bunch of chicken breasts avocado then shred them up and low bags carb shredded chicken on hand for meals. Greek Cauliflower Rice. Each product we feature has been carb selected and reviewed by… Read More »

Convalescent plasma: another controversial clash of politics & science

You’d need a pretty big, stiff broom to sweep away all of the hype dished out by the Trump Administration as it announced an Emergency Use Authorization for convalescent plasma – the liquid component of blood that may be tapped for disease-fighting antibodies from people who’ve been infected with COVID-19. Before the announcement was even… Read More »