Glasgow outreach service shows the feasibility of PrEP for people who inject drugs

A proactive, outreach-based service for people who inject drugs has successfully delivered the HIV prevention medication PrEP in the midst of Glasgow’s HIV outbreak, Dr Ceilidh Grimshaw of Sandyford told the virtual British HIV Association conference this week. Very few PrEP programmes for people who inject drugs have reported results and ongoing engagement with healthcare… Read More »

Swedish experience sparks vaccine fears

As the world eagerly awaits the first doses of a coronavirus vaccine being rolled out, some in Sweden are watching with trepidation. For Meissa Chebbi, 21, who like hundreds of other young Swedes suffered debilitating narcolepsy after a mass vaccination campaign against the 2009-2010 swine flu pandemic, the vaccine is not something she will be… Read More »

It’s possible to end HIV epidemics among people who inject drugs in low- and middle-income countries

HIV incidence is below 0.1% per year among people who inject drugs in a large Vietnamese city, Professor Don Des Jarlais and colleagues report in the December issue of AIDS. They say the data clearly demonstrate that it is possible to achieve very low HIV incidence – ‘to end an HIV epidemic’ – among people… Read More »