Great BIG Canvas Poster Print entitled Furosemide diuretic drug molecule
Poster Print entitled ‘Furosemide diuretic drug molecule’. Furosemide, molecular model. This is a diuretic drug used to treat congestive heart failure and oedema (water retention). Atoms are represented as spheres and are colour-coded: carbon (grey), hydrogen (white), nitrogen (blue), oxygen (red), sulphur (yellow) and chlorine (green). Multiple sizes available. Primary colors within this image include:… Read More »
Proactol Weight Loss Pills
by judge_mental Today, in the market there are plenty of weight loss pills which are designed particularly to help you lose off the unwanted pounds from your body. These pills have been used by loads and loads of overweight persons who within a very short duration of time were able to putt off the extra… Read More »
Evaluating the Healthcare System: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity, Fourth Edition
Now in its fourth edition, this book defines and illustrates the application of effectiveness, efficiency, and equity criteria for evaluating health services system performance. It integrates the theories, issues, approaches, and methods of health services research, providing an excellent framework for understanding health services systems and change. The authors take a broad and integrative look… Read More »