New Wu Long Tea Vs. Zone Diet And Adkins Effects

By | October 7, 2016

The Zone diet and Adkins diet is known as a weight-loss program that focuses on eating more protein and fewer carbohydrates. Many, including celebrities, actively follow the Zone diet, to lose the extra pounds. Interestingly, Barry Sears, the creator of the Zone diet, intended the Zone diet for something else as well: anti-inflammation. Next consider Oolong tea diet. Scientists have shown that drinking tea fifteen minutes before eating carbohydrates lowers the insulin spike you normally get eating carbs.

The Zone diet is neither unique nor extraordinary. It belongs to a family of low-carb, high-protein diets, which boasts among its members the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet. These three diets all share the same basic philosophy, that by avoiding carbohydrates, one promotes the burning of body fat. However, they each have their unique features. Couple this with Oolong or Wu long tea diet, that has fat burning features that naturally make one slim and you have a super diet.

Sears Zone diet rationale argues that a low-fat diet causes the body to make more insulin. Insulin is known for transforming blood sugar into glycogen. However, its other effect is to stop the body from using its own fat. Therefore, for dieters, insulin is an enemy.

While the Zone diet makes no comment regarding how one should obtain one’s carbohydrates, the Atkins diet specifies that 75% of the deficient in amount, 6% must come from vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, the Atkins diet requires drinking eight glasses of water each day, as opposed to the Zone diet, which makes no such recommendations.

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The Adkins diet works. However, no scientific study has been conducted to date, either to test the theory behind the Zone diet, or the efficacy of the diet itself. Sears himself has provided little laboratory evidence, or scientific backing. For instance, he gives no reason as to why eating 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat would be optimal. For this reason, most nutritionists, physicians and biochemists do not support the Zone diet.

Each one of these phases is less restrictive than the previous. Carbohydrate intake is gradually increased to normal levels. The Atkins diet promotes long-term weight loss, rather than a temporary decrease in size. The otherwise abrupt transition between dieting and healthy, everyday eating is facilitated by the four phases.

Not everyone is a fan of the Zone diet. The American Heart Association, for example, finds the entire idea flawed and preposterous. In fact, the majority of chemists, biologists, nutritionists and physicians are not only skeptical of the Zone diet’s weight reduction capabilities, but also concerned about potential harm that the Zone diet can cause. Interestingly, scientists from Japan’s University of Tokushima School of Medicine found that people who drank two cups a day of Chinese diet tea experienced over 157% greater fat burning results than those who drank the same amount of green tea.

The Zone diet rests on the dogma of eating carbs, proteins and fats in the “correct ratio.” According to Sears, the ratio is 40:30:30. Because of the Zone diet’s focus on protein consumption, your ingestion of carbs and fats rests entirely on your required protein intake.

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The American Heart Association and other medical personnel believe this central aspect of the Zone diet to be very risky. Firstly, basing one’s ingestion of carbs and fats on one’s protein needs could result in an incredibly low caloric intake. The semi-starvation could impair brain functioning, cause fluid build-up in fingers and toes, and dry out hair and skin.

Although the Zone diet might be effective for weight loss, is it truly healthy? Many dieticians believe that the Zone diet encourages consumption of far too much fat. This is because Sears principally advocates animal sources of protein, which not only contain lots of fat, but also lots of saturated fat. The excessive consumption of saturated fat may lead to heart disease. However, consider drinking tea as a diet alternative. Without stringent diets, stunning weigh loss results have been documented along with many other healthful side effects. When drinking Wu long tea as a diet furtherance, impressive weight results have been documented.

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