Muscle Pain Reliever Oil Rumacure Review – Read Before You Buy

By | December 29, 2016

Pain can be of different kinds. In arthritis it is joints that become inflamed and give pain. Sprains and strains, sudden jerks or lifting of heavy loads can tear or damage muscle tissues resulting in inflammation and pain. Arthritis pain treatment consists of using herbs and massages l to contain and reduce pain and, gradually, improve health. Muscle pain is never permanent unless there is an underlying serious cause such as fibromyalgia. Doctors usually prescribe anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications to help patients handle the discomfort. These drugs are not without their side effects. Ayurvedic herbs, on the other hand, are safe, potent and without any side effects, making them a better choice to treat muscle pains through oil massages.

For arthritis, different herbs are used and the formulation is different. For muscle pain, different herbs are used in making the massage oil. These oils and ingredients in the oil have the property of penetrating deep, warming the tissues, soothing, reducing inflammation and reducing pain while promoting healing. The herbs and oils useful to relieve muscle pain are Dalchini (cinnamon) oil, Tarpin oil, Camphor or kapoor, Gandhpurna (wintergreen) oil, Castor oil and Buleylu or til or sesame oil. Rumacure is specially developed oil for muscle pain relief, containing these vital fast acting, potent ingredients.

Consider the oils used in Rumacure and their properties

1. Dalchini oil has powerful healing and anti-rheumatic properties.

2. Tarpin (pine) oil is anti-inflammatory and soothing, reducing sensations of pain

3. Kapur or camphor vaporizes quickly and when mixed with oil, is anti-inflammatory and analgesic besides being able to penetrate deep into tissues.

4. Gandhpurna (wintergreen) oil is a known anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent

5. Castor oil is soothing and imparts flexibility to muscles and tissues

6. Buleylu or sesame oil is antioxidant and promotes quick healing

Rumacure was chosen over Rumatone oil and was put to test on athletes who had sprains and muscle pains. Three elderly people were also chosen to undergo sample tests of Rumacure oil for their complaints of muscle aches. They were advised to first warm up the oil to above skin temperature and then massage it slowly for about five to ten minutes till oil vanished. They were asked to follow this for a week. After a week athletes reported a near return to normalcy where pain had subsided to a level that did not prove an impediment to their daily activities. The elderly people with constant complaints of muscle aches reported better comfort, reduced pain and that they could sleep better at night, move limbs freely and with greater flexibility. Dharmani�s International, the manufacturers, did not make any extravagant claims for Rumacure oil. They recommended applying hot compresses after massage to speed up oil absorption and its effects. In all cases, this recommendation was followed and proved to be beneficial. In case of muscle aches due to sprains or strains, Rumacure oil is effective and is priced affordably, making it a worthwhile choice for muscle pain treatment the herbal, ayurvedic way.