It is great to see so many well-written and researched reports on perinatal depression in the news these days. Here are a few great stories from NPR published over the last couple of months. One of the best things about these articles is that they center on women’s experiences of their illness. There is so much stigma surrounding mental illness, and hearing about other women’s personal experiences can be so valuable in helping women to feel comfortable about asking for help and getting treatment.
Ruta Nonacs, MD PhD
What Is Postpartum Depression? Recognizing The Signs And Getting Help
This is a great article. This episode of Life Kit lays out the basics of postpartum depression and gives basic and practical information on how to get help. This would be a great resource for so many people who are affected by postpartum depression: women with postpartum depression who want to learn more about PPD, its symptoms and where to go for help, as well as friends and family members who want to know what to do.
‘A Lifeline’ For Doctors Helps Them Treat Postpartum Depression
In addition to following one woman’s experience of postpartum depression, this article discusses MCPAP for Moms and how it can help obstetricians to care for women with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Comedian Stands Up For Mental Heath By Talking Openly About Postpartum Depression
Comedian Angelina Spicer talks about her experience with postpartum depression, and what worked for her.
Black Mothers Get Less Treatment For Their Postpartum Depression
A nonprofit group in Philadelphia started a pilot program which pairs mothers with Drexel University graduate students training in marriage and family therapy. The student counselors visit provide weekly, and most importantly, free in-home counseling for as long as the women need.