How Your Fast Diet Can Work While You Sleep…

By | October 1, 2016

Most women want a successful fast diet! They also want to get more sleep… Can we combine those two wishes?

Current scientific research has shown that there’s a direct link between sleeping and weight loss. The tests show that if you’re deprived of sleep then you have a tendency to put on pounds! Does that mean that if you get more sleep you can lose weight? You’d better believe it!

On top of weight loss you’ll also feel healthier and look younger into the bargain!

Let’s see why…

Over half of the western world’s population are overweight and many are unhealthily obese. Many of these obese people are women who look older than their years, are unhealthy and are likely to die earlier than they should…

The research checked the participants’ sleep patterns, their weight and metabolism. Results indicated that those who slept for less than 7 hours per night had a tendency to increase their weight to unhealthy levels. The chance of becoming obese doubled due to lack of sufficient sleep.

Those sleeping for less than four hours a night had a nearly 75% more chance of being obese. Lack of sleep increases food cravings to the level of an extra 900 calories per day! This can lead to a weight increase of almost 2 pounds every week – an enormous amount!

The research suggested that although those who were studied had no significant weight problems beforehand, their weight grew as they slept for less time each night.

Reduced amounts of sleep impacts on the hormone that regulates appetite and results in a high level of ghrelin. This hormone makes you want to eat more. The hormone leptin, which tells your brain that you’ve eaten enough, is affected by of lack of sleep.

Over the last fifty years the average night’s sleep has dropped from 9 to 7 hours and over this time people’s weight problems have become worse…

A recent survey indicates that only 19% of adults sleep for 8 hours each night and 16% sleep for less than 6 hours.

Over half of us say that we are regularly so tired at work that we long to go home, while 59 per cent of women in their 30s report that they are nearly always tired.

It’s suggested by the research results that insufficient sleep impacts on hormones not being able to work effectively. More diverse factors that can link lack of sleep and gaining weight have been discussed.

It’s pretty obvious that if you don’t sleep for long then you’re awake more and therefore have more chance to access food. Alongside this, being overweight impacts on your ability to sleep. You snore more and are more likely to suffer with sleep apnoea, both of which interrupt sleep patterns.

An informal US experiment involved a group of women being asked not to alter their eating and exercise habits but to sleep for seven-and-a-half hours every night.

Amazingly each women achieved a weight loss of between 3 and 15 pounds. It is intended to carry out more research into the links between sleep and body weight.

Research has shown a link between obesity and lack of sleep throughout the industrialised world and researchers are determined to extend their work to reduce the likelihood of people being overweight.

Making sure you get sufficient sleep is an important aspect of your successful fast diet. It works and even better than that – it’s FREE!!!

When you’ve got your sleeping on the right tracks you’ll achieve weight loss, you’ll look and feel much better… You can then start having a go at your cellulite… Start working on an anti cellulite treatment and do away with your cottage cheese thighs and bum… Great…

If you need help to lose weight visit Fast Diet Centre to find valuable free advice, information and current research to enable successful weight loss and a healthier life style. Bothered by cellulite? Visit Anti Cellulite Treatment for advice on the latest research to help you get rid of all that lumpy bumpy skin!

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